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他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。They built a moat to encompass the castle.

他将不再把她包围得死死的。He would no longer encompass every area of her life.

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你将新信息纳入已有的认知结构中,便是同化You could expand it to encompass new things, assimilation.

他在路上听见四面八方都是人声车声。The voices of people and sounds of cars encompass his path.

这项工程将覆盖中国的农村和不发达地区。The project will encompass rural and underdeveloped areas in China.

此外,倾斜的玻璃屋顶也采用了这种黑色网格框架。These black gridded frames also encompass a mono-pitched glass roof.

由于我的喉舌的转动,我绕遍了无数大千世界。With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.

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然后这个同步语句可以在需要时包含这两个访问。The synchronized block could then encompass both accesses if necessary.

浮动容器会被扩大以包含所有内部的浮动元素。The float container will expand to encompass all interior float elements.

布林线应该包括大多数价格行为,但并非全部。Bollinger Bands should encompass the majority of price action, but not all.

根据DICCE合同将有可能覆盖30个国家超过270个地点。The DICCE contracts potentially encompass more than 270 sites in 30 countries.

制订外伤护理政策时需更多地考虑儿童外伤护理。Trauma care policy development needs to better encompass childhood trauma care.

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我们也非常愿意看到这个站点能将所有类别的消费产品囊括进来。We'd love to see the site grow to encompass all verticals of consumer products.

一个真正的朋友会用海纳百川的胸襟来包容你的无理取闹。A real friend would use Welcome to Wikipedia's mind to encompass your vexatious.

我们成功的大小通常是看我们花了多少时间。Our successful dimensions usually encompass the things we spend the most time doing.

现在是智能手机的领域,之后很快会进阶到平板电脑和上网本领域。Right now it’s a smartphone thing, which will soon encompass the tablet and netbook.

这让事务可以包含跨两个组件的ME动作。This allows a transaction to encompass the action of an ME that spans two components.

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在他46年的领导下,普鲁士的边疆不断扩大,包围了西普鲁士和西里西亚。During his reign, the borders of Prussia expanded to encompass West Prussia and Silesia.

如果把它放到我们的太阳系中,参宿四的直径几乎可以环绕木星轨道一周。If found in our own solar system its diameter would almost encompass the orbit of Jupiter.

但是,这些照片是围绕着父子关系的主题设计的。Nevertheless, the photos are designed to encompass the relationship between father and son.