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惩罚者的惩罚成本的一个货币单位。Punishment cost the punisher one unit of money.

残酷且不必要的处罚使处罚者与受罚者双方失去人性。Cruel and unnecessary punishment dehumanizes both the punisher and the punished.

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这提供了一个对惩罚的愿意程度的衡量手段,即使惩罚有代价。That provides a measure of willingness to punish, even at a cost to the punisher.

末日守卫惩罚者不会再攻击未卷入-军团戒指-这一事件的玩家。The Doomguard Punisher will no longer hit players not involved in the Legion Ring Event.

关闭油门在中东的曲线,然而,这是惩罚者,可以将打破松散。Off throttle in the middle of curves, however, it's a punisher that can and will break loose.

在一些实际情况中,有些合作的代理人可能愿意多付出自己的收益而对不合作者进行惩罚。And in other situations a punisher acts the same like a cooperator in original Snowdrift Game.

他还企图毒害纽约市与打印机,墨水和战斗的惩罚者与蜘蛛侠。He also attempted to poison New York City with printers' ink, and battled the Punisher and Spider-Man.

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但是每名玩家都可以奖励或惩罚其他三名玩家。But each player could also reward or punish each of the other three players, at a cost to the punisher.

弗兰克卡索,惩罚者被金刚狼之子杀死肢解,并且以怪物般的弗兰肯卡索的姿态回归战场。Frank Castle, the Punisher was sliced to pieces by Wolverine's son, Daken and returned as the monstrous FrankenCastle.

惩罚要花费惩罚者一个单位的代用货币,被惩罚者的则要被减少三个单位的代用货币。Punishment cost the punisher one unit of money. The person being punished had his or her money reduced by three units.

当我明白为什么惩罚者的爱好者们感到生气时,人们应该知道弗兰克卡索有一天会回来。While I understand why Punisher fans were angry, it should have been clear that old Frank Castle would return someday.

在阿富汗作战的美国士兵取名为“惩罚者”——XM25可以精确的射出新一代口径25mm的榴弹、射程达500米远。Dubbed "The Punisher" by American forces in Afghanistan, the XM25 accurately shoots a next-generation, 25mm, grenade up to 500 meters.

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惩罚者认为,他对别人实施的惩罚是好的行为,他有权去伤害和侵犯一个他认为比他地位低下的人。The punishment of one human being by another is behavior in which the punisher thinks he has the right to hurt and violate a person he perceives as his social inferior.

一个人作出对另一个人的惩罚,是因为惩罚者认为他有权利去伤害、侵犯地位较之更低的人。The punishment of one human being by another is behavior in which the punisher thinks he has the right to hurt and violate a person he perceives as his social inferior.

掌管友情及结盟的印度神祇,通常与伐楼拿神共同庇佑维护秩序、惩罚恶行、支撑天堂及世界,并带来降雨。The Hindu god of friendship and alliances, usually invoked together with Varuna as an upholder of order, punisher of falsehood, supporter of heaven and earth, and bringer of rain.

“昂贵的惩罚,”这种被诺瓦克和他的团队研究的特定类型的惩罚行为,指的是处罚者愿意花费一定的成本来惩罚另外一些人的行为。“Costly punishment, ” the type of punitive behavior studied by Nowak and his colleagues, refers to situations where a punisher is willing to incur a cost in order to penalize someone else.