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而且有部级的访问。And there's been ministerial visits.

预祝本届部长级会议圆满成功!I wish this ministerial conference full success.

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您认为部长级首长应该要有几位保镖?。How many bodyguards do you think a ministerial head needs?

四是组织好部机关的捐助活动。Fourthly, organize donation activities in ministerial departments.

这个构想就是建立这样一种部委级别的的对话。The idea is to establish such a dialogue at the ministerial level.

谁处理部长级会议休会期间的日常事务?Who handles the day-to-day work in between ministerial conferences?

第6届亚洲合作对话部长级会议将于明年在韩国举行。The 6th ACD Ministerial Meeting will be held in South Korea next year.

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第六届世界贸易组织部长级会议将在中国香港举行。The Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference will be held in Hong Kong, China.

过去的一年中,英国官员频繁出使拉美各国。The past year has seen a flurry of ministerial visits to Latin America.

最后,预祝中非合作论坛第五届部长级会议圆满成功!In conclusion, I wish the Fifth FOCAC Ministerial Conference every success!

其中有关痰的诊断、治疗临床颇多可取。The ministerial fire and phlegmy viewpoints had been applied in the clinic.

为毕业生创造就业机会的计划在部长要处理的文件中处在非常低的位置。Job-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-trays.

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下次部长级会议暂定于2011年5月在柬埔寨召开。The next ministerial meeting is arranged tentatively for May 2011 in Cambodia.

为期4天的部长级会议6月3日将扩大,克林顿和克里斯纳都将参加。The four-day ministerial meeting expands June 3 to include Clinton and Krishna.

公司多次获国家级和部级颁发的荣誉证书和奖项。Our company was awarded the national and ministerial honor certificate and the award.

预计官员们将在WTO下个月的一次部长级会议上毫无疑义地正式批准这桩交易。Officials are expected to rubber-stamp the deal next month at a WTO ministerial meeting.

部长会每三年举行一届,轮流在中国和非洲国家召开。The ministerial conference takes place every three years in China and Africa alternately.

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随后在京举行的“亚欧会议中小企业部长级会议”将听取此次论坛的成果报告。The outcome will be submitted to the ASEM SMEs Ministerial Meeting to be held in Beijing.

突尼斯将于2012年承办中阿合作论坛第五届部长级会议。Tunisia will hold the fifth ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum in 2012.

盖特21日抵达土耳其进行访问,并出席第三次土埃外长级会议。Gate 21, arrived in Turkey to visit and attend the third ministerial meeting of Egyptian soil.