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还记得我们前面谈过的引导程序对象吗?Remember the bootstrap objects we talked about earlier?

于是,用一系列的步骤,我们就可“自展”我们的方法,以接近L。Now, we try to "bootstrap" our way up to L in a series of steps.

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引导模态显示只在BB10马上消失呢?。Bootstrap modal showing then disappearing right away only in BB10?

利用多级自举方法,减少了驱动电源数。Reduce the quantity of power supply by multistage bootstrap method.

但问题也出来了,象峭壁模式这样完全通过"自然经济"进行发展这几乎是不可能的。The problem is, it's almost impossible to bootstrap a cliff business.

Flamingo提供了快速启动简单功能项目的能力。Flamingo provides the ability to quickly bootstrap a simple functioning project.

如果你打算靠从朋友和家里那里拿来的钱作为仅有的资金创立一个公司,那就选择有限责任公司。If you plan to bootstrap with only money from friends and family, go for an LLC.

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第二章的内容是关于再抽样均值序列的精确渐近性质。The content of the second chapter is about precise asymptotics of bootstrap means.

我们重新构建了引导流程,改进了核心库的代码质量。We've reworked our bootstrap process to improve the quality of code in the core library.

在寻找类时,每个类装载器必须沿着层次结构向上委托请求,直到到达引导装载器。Every classloader must delegate up the hierarchy to the bootstrap loader to find a class.

比方说你决定要用你从家里和朋友那里筹来的仅有的借款和普通股来创业。Let's say you decide to bootstrap with only simple debt or common equity from friends and family.

Fabric3有一个很小的启动程序,它读取SCA装配图,并连接服务与创建运行时。Fabric3 has a small bootstrap that reads an SCA assembly and wires services to create the runtime.

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当然,这又摆出了如何确立可信第三方的身份的自举问题。Of course, this leaves the bootstrap issue of how you establish the trusted third party's identity.

引导程式可以由操作员输入,亦可以永久的贮存于唯读贮记器内。The bootstrap may BE entered by the computer operator or BE permanently stored in read-only memory.

放大电路引入自举电容C可改变电路的有关特性。The relative characteristics can be changed when there is a bootstrap capacitor C in an amplifying circuit.

一般来说,搜索item检索比较适用于用户数量很小的情况。Typically, an item-based approach is used to bootstrap one's application when the number of users is small.

偏置电路采用自举基准源,具有良好的电源抑制比。A bootstrap MOS circuit is introduced for bias, which shows a good performance in power supply reject ratio.

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扩展应用事件的一个例子就是在启动时向数据库增加新的记录。An example of extending the application events is to add new records into the database at the bootstrap time.

格莱莫尔的批判具有一定的合理性,但他提出的拔靴带确证策略实际上也未摆脱分析真。Glymour's criticism is justified in a way, but his "bootstrap" confirmation strategy has not broken with analytic truth.

Scott提到了在BootStrap.groovy中利用Failsafe数据库进行插入和删除以避免数据库中的重复记录。Scott talked about Failsafe database inserts and deletes in BootStrap.groovy to avoid duplicate records in the database.