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她严厉的声音把他们吓得鸦雀无声了。They were awed into silence by the sternness of her voice.

工作人员的态度完全变了,严厉的神情消失了。Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away.

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冷峻峭拔是鲁迅小说风格的最显著标志。Style of sternness is the most significant sign in Lu Xun's novels.

我们要对他们同时表现恩典和严厉,两方面要维持平衡。We should show both grace and sternness to them, keeping the two balanced.

卡普见了,一瞬间严厉的指导者神情离开了他的脸庞。Carp saw, and for an instant the sternness of the instructor left his face.

人的智慧使他的脸发光,并使他脸上的戾气改变。A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the sternness of his face is changed.

父母教养方式中,研究组的“父亲惩罚、严厉因子”、“父母偏爱被试因子”与对照组相比有显著差异。The neurosis patients had higher scores in"punishment and sternness of father"and "preference of parents"of EMBU.

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因此可以知道人们指责我们的,并非因为我们的悲观主义,而是因为我们乐观主义的严肃性。In the light of all this, what people reproach us with is not, after all, our pessimism, but the sternness of our optimism.

“什么?”维达猛地转过头来,面对着阿索卡。威胁的意味又回到了他的声音里。“你究竟想干什么?”"What?" Vader jerked his head back to face Ahsoka. The menacing sternness came back to his voice, "What on earth do you want?"

您的眼神看起来很峻厉,但包罗更多的是慈平和存眷。谢谢您让我觉得本身如此紧张。Your eyes show sternness. but nevertheless . more kindness goodd care generingly. Thgoodk you for msimilarg me feel importould like.

联合国安理会将会发表一份声明,美国和英国会鼓吹这份声明的严厉性和重要性。The UN Security Council will come up with some kind of statement, and the US and Britain will trumpet its sternness and significance.

不过,偶尔表现出愤怒或严厉与在团体内常常发生的辱骂威胁之间有条界线。But there is a line between an occasional display of anger or sternness and the abusive bullying that often takes place in organisations.

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此外,鲁迅小说冷峻艺术的渊源来自其自身人格化的投射和中外作品的影响。In addition, the origin of the style of sternness is from the projection of Lu Xun's own personification and the impact of works in and abroad.

同时,父亲的情感温暖理解、母亲的惩罚严厉可预测贫困大学生的消极应对方式。Meanwhile, father's emotional warmth and mother's punishment and sternness can forecast the negative coping styles of impoverished college students.

他能够允许自己沉溺于这种丰富的感官享受中,因为他已经能够掌控了这种恐怖的声音,他能够处理圣彼得的父亲般的严厉。Milton can allow himself a literary indulgence in the rich sensuality of this passage because he has mastered the dread voice, he has mastered the fatherly sternness of Saint Peter.

奥地利人以严肃的外表和表面缺乏活力著名,但是人们完全不能解释,为什么这么多维也纳人几乎整天呆在当地的酒吧和咖啡馆里。Austrians are famous for their exterior sternness and a seeming lack of vivacity, which utterly fails to explain why so many Viennese practically live in local bars and coffeehouses.