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谁您是是独立和坚定的。Who you are is unattached and unshaken.

在那最危急的时候,他自己的希望和勇气并没有动摇。In that trying hour his hope and courage were unshaken.

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我们强壮的体魄,有如我们强健的信念,如山脉般不可动摇。Our Bodies were Strong, as strong as our Faith, unshaken like Mountains.

对于所有人来说西方模式优势的新年是不能动摇的。The Western belief in the superiority of western models for all is unshaken.

就像磐石不会被风摇动,有智慧的人不会被称赞或者责怪所动摇。Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.

上帝是美国文明大厦的精神支柱,美国民族不可动摇的信仰。God is the spiritual pillar of American civilization and the unshaken belief of Americans.

雪山远远高出于世俗世界,人类的激情暴风无法撼动它。The mountain rises far above worldly concerns and remains unshaken by the winds of emotion.

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她确信他们对圣诞老人和给予精神的信心始终没有动摇。She has made sure that their belief in santa claus and the spirit of giving remains unshaken.

精神和肉体都在进化,这一信仰使我十分乐观,愤世嫉俗者也没有动摇这种乐观主义。A belief in spiritual as well as physical evolution has sustained me in an optimism still unshaken by cynics.

虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances , our resolve to invest in education is unshaken.

抢救生命的爱,没有因为地震而破灭,反而带来更多的希望,也让张敏感动不已。More than being unshaken by the quake, the lifesaving mission was given added impetus, which deeply moved Zhang Min.

要理解美国文化,首先要了解上帝在多数美国人心目中不可动摇的地位。To understand the civilization of the United States , people should know the unshaken position of God in the most American consciousness.

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但伦敦边境和小村庄仍是一派杂乱贫穷,街道拥挤不堪,疾病肆虐,而富人却能毫发无损地在他们的豪宅里享受。But the courtyards and alleys of London remained squalid with poverty, overcrowding and disease, and the rich in their great houses were unshaken.

我是感受到大家的关心、爱和鼓励,都让我充满力量,绝不抖颤的来到大面前。Your concern, love and cheer that I was able to feel, give me big energy to come here unshaken. And for that, I again give you my word of appreciation.

十二年来,我们矢志不渝从事硬件维修及相关的维修培训工作,在中国电脑维修界,享有极高的声誉。Twelve years, we have unshaken in hardware maintenance and related maintenance training, computer maintenance industry in China, enjoying high reputation.

人们都怀着不可动摇的希望,等着看到牧师焕发着必胜的荣光,走出这场争斗。The people looked, with an unshaken hope, to see the minister come forth out of the conflict, transfigured with the glory which he would unquestionably win.

我相信,在双方的共同努力下,中埃关系将会得到进一步发展,中埃友谊也将像金字塔一样历久弥坚。I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides China-Egypt relations will further develop and China-Egypt friendship will remain unshaken as the pyramid.

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就像投资宽带和独立电视台等较引人注目的行动一样,上述成就的回报仍不确定,但公司首席执行官詹姆斯·默多克的长期目标仍非常坚定。The payback from these, as from splashier moves such as the investments in broadband and ITV, remains uncertain but its chief executive is unshaken on the long-term vision.

自19世纪末顾拜旦先生首创现代奥运会以来,世界人民对奥林匹克理想的追求从未动摇。Since Mr. Pierre de Coubertin founded the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century, the peoples of the world have remained unshaken in their resolve to pursue the Olympic ideal.