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现在正兴这个呢!That's all the vogue now.

如今,环保理念才是王道。Now, greenery is in vogue.

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韩剧现在很流行。Korean dramas are in vogue.

圈环裙一度曾是时尚。Hoop skirts were once the vogue.

那是两个月前的时髦话了。That Vogue is from two months ago.

这种写作风格行时过。This style of writing had a vogue.

为什么炒房会再次流行起来?Why is house flipping back in vogue?

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超前消费已成为当今的时髦。Overconsuming has been in vogue nowadays.

目前的时尚是要求地方分权。The current vogue is for decentralization.

那首通俗歌曲有一阵子非常流行。The pop-song had a great vogue at one time.

那首流行歌曲在那时候带来了时髦的风气。That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.

那首流行歌曲曾经风靡一时。That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.

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那首通俗歌曲有一阵子非常流行。That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.

这种写作风格曾大为风行。This style of writing has had a great vogue.

在英国,短裙现在不流行了。Short skirts are no longer in vogue in Brita in.

炫耀性、时尚性和挥霍性是消费主义的基本特征。Its basic character is splurge, vogue and devour.

我想这发型过一阵子就不流行了。I think that kind of haircut will be out of vogue soon.

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玛丹娜鼓励大家在舞池上摆动姿势。Madonna encouraged everyone to vogue on the dance floor.

顺应着照明替代产品的时尚趋势。Adjust to illuminate to act for the vogue trend of product.

而且,信息富足容易助长抄袭之风。Furthermore, rich of information easily abets vogue of copy.