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这是一家强迫巨阵公司吗?Is this a company-forced downline?

二月步骤下行变为行动带动你!Steps to Spur Your Downline Into Action!

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第二个月是财务将由您的沿铁路线。The second month will be finance by your downline.

我可以让你将我的下线组织成员,重新安排他们呢?Can I get you to move my downline members, or re-arrange them?

它显示你的下线你是一个真正的人,并建立信任。It shows your downline you are a real person, and builds trust.

你要想在这生意方面成功,你的下行线一定首先成功。In order for you to succeed in this business, your downline must succeed first.

我们希望有选择,以确定哪些信息是在下线族谱显示。We want to have the option to determine what information is displayed in the downline genealogies.

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记得我们需要花费3-5分钟时间来查阅每张网页。也请不要忘记了你的分支。Remember that we need to have 3-5 seconds in between each page veiw and don't forget your downline also.

快速组建你的销售团队的一个重要决定因素就是你要沟通名单的质量。The single most important factor for quickly building a large downline is the quality of your prospects.

这意味着,所有的个人推介会被置于您的下线组织的第一个可用的空白点。This means that all your personal referrals will be placed into your downline in the first available empty spot.

公司是否会协助你进行管理培训或者在你销售团队规模扩大时帮助你寻找更多的资源来经营你的公司?Will it assist you with management training or help you find resources to run your business as your downline grows?

我花了很多时间和精力,我在下行新人展示他们的工作是必要的成功。I've spent a lot of time and effort showing the newcomers in my downline the kind of work that is necessary for success.

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随着限产保价的展开以及价格的下行,汽车行业三季度的盈利情况可能触底。With the effects of restricting output of the insured and price, automobile industry of the first downline earnings might hit bottom.

她同时还建议有个与你销售团队保持联系的规定,这样你可以更好的激励队员。She also advises having a regular method of keeping in touch with all the people in your downline so you can inspire and encourage them.

基本上,除非你愿意放弃现有的下线组织,不然你就卡死在现有的位置上,而无法收到其他上线的帮助。Basically, unless you're willing to give up your downline , you're stuck where you're at and can't receive the help of any other sponsor.

你能归一个国家所有而且在另外一里面为一家公司快乐地工作,而且管理在三个大陆上的你的下行线传布。You can be residing in one country and working happily for a company in another, and managing your downline spread over three continents.

换句话说,只要那六个人对你和你的事业口碑良好,你的盈利和下线便可因此而不断扩大。Those same six people can be instrumental in praising you and your business to the extent that your profits grow and your downline expands.

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这是另个一调转方向的动作。下降航迹线可以用于调整动作结束时的高度和速度。This is another one of the maneuvers that reverse direction. The downline can be used to adjust the altitude and speed at the end of the figure.

该族谱提供的信息最需要的领域。我们希望有选择,以确定哪些信息是在下线族谱显示。The genealogies provide the information that the field needs most. We want to have the option to determine what information is displayed in the downline genealogies.

除了综合结果,我们想限制,只有在每5级下线摘要任何会员的基本信息和他们的前线仅警报。Apart from consolidated results we would like to limit any Member to basic information and alerts for their frontline only, with only a summary of downline at each of 5 levels.