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“贝恩·马拉”这个名字令科舍尔香料矿区的囚犯闻之色变。The inmates of the Kessel spice mines dreaded the name Bane Malar.

目的探讨治疗颧骨复合体肥大的新型外科整复术。Objective To present a new method of osteotomy for malar complex hypertrophy.

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目的为了探讨颧骨颧弓肥大的诊断指标。Objective This study is designed to research the diagnostic index of the malar.

根据颧弓最高点间距可推算卵圆孔穿刺时穿刺针进针的深度。Depth of puncture can be deduced according to interval of apogee of malar archs.

研究MDIC种植体在颧骨种植重建全上颌骨缺损的方法及临床效果。MDIC dental implants were implanted in bilateral malar bone to reconstruct maxillae.

目的总结颧骨颧弓骨折的治疗方法。Objective To Summarize the clinical experiences on the treatment of malar bone fracture.

通过不杀戮来匮乏米尔库的国度。玛拉失败地咆哮,但无能为力,便仍只做着野兽之神。Malar growled in frustration, but could do nothing, and yet again only the beasts were left for him.

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结果表明,眼的动脉供应主要来源于眼内动脉、眼外动脉、颞浅动脉和颧动脉。The supply came from the internal ophthalmic, external ophthalmic, superficial temporal and malar arteries.

颧弓颧骨骨折主要根据骨折的类型以及面部畸形情况、张口受限情况来决定复位的方法。Appropriate measures according to fracture classification for the reduction of malar bone fractures are feasible.

目的探索一项新的降低颧骨颧弓突度的技术,以改善高颧患者的面容。Objective To investigate a new technique of reduction malarplasty for prominent malar complex and zygomatic arch.

目的研究颧脂肪垫和其固定结构的解剖,寻找新的面中部年轻化手术方法。Objective To study the anatomic and fixed structure of malar fat pad to find a new method for facial rejuvenation.

目的总结颧骨、颧弓肥大的治疗体会,三维CT的临床应用及诊断标准。Objective We explore the value of three-dimensional CT scan and the diagnostic criteria for prominent malar complex.

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颧上颌部外伤骨折后的最常见畸形为颧突塌陷和眼球内陷。It is commonly seen that there is displacement of the malar fragment and enophthalmos after zygomaticomaxillary fracture.

目的探讨口内入路颧骨弧形截骨术矫正高颧骨的新方法。Objective To present a new method for reduction of the prominent malar complex by using the curved osteotomy through intraoral incision.

目的总结经头皮冠状切口的颧部缩小术的经验,并与其它手术切口进行比较。Objective To summarize the experiences of malar zygomatic reduction through coronal scalp incision and compare it with others incisions.

对比研究中国北方青年和老年女性颧脂肪垫厚度,发现老年组在一些位置脂肪垫厚于青、中年组。In comparing the results of 2 group, it is found that thickness of malar fat pad of old women is thicker than that of middle aged and young women.

结论新设置的测量点及指数能够数据化描述颧部与面部其它部位骨性结构的相互关系。Conclusion The new measuring point and indexes can digitally describe the malar bone structure and its relationship with other facial bony structure.

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目的探讨应用自体下颌骨外板行颅面部不同部位贴附植骨后的体积变化情况。Methods Six cases underwent onlay bone graft to the angle and body part of mandible and malar surface simultaneously by using mandibular outer cortex.

目的观察经额部及下睑之美容切口行颧骨、颧弓骨折内固定术治疗颧骨骨折的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effect of the beauty operation of forehead and down-eyelid with internal fixation of fracture of malar bone and zygomatic arch.

住院时发现有双颊红疹和光过敏的现象,经过一连串检查后发现抗核抗体阳性、抗变股DNA抗体阳性,脑电波和电脑断层检查并无异常。She came to our psychiatric clinic for help and was admitted. Malar rash was noted and series of examinations were arranged. EEG and contrasted Brain CT scan were negative.