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哇!它在那里,蹄子踏在食品储藏室门前的漆布上。Wow! There it was, hoofing the lino by the larder door.

在去活动室之前,我们和宝宝一起拍了些像片。Before we sent her to the Baby Lino , we took some pictures with her.

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我终于明白了为什么其他父母都不愿意做“小边”。I had come to realise why the other parents had not wanted to be our "lino".

像往常一样,送宝宝去活动室前,我们给她拍了些像片。As usual, we took some pictures for our baby before we sent her to the Baby Lino.

李诺是黑帮家族首脑,这家庭里容不下窝囊废。Lino is the head of a dangerous family. There isn't room for wimps in this family.

把宝宝送到活动室后,我们小俩口在去洗桑拿前到休息室里休息了一会儿。After sending our baby to the Baby Lino , we went to the rest room before taking sauna.

不过现在我们的宝宝有了一个新朋友,那就是利洛老鼠,酒店里的每个小朋友都可以免费得到一个这样的毛绒玩具。But now our baby had a new friend, that is Lino! Every kid can get Lino by free in this hotel.

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如有任何疑问,欢迎向本中心公关督导员冯礼诺先生查询。If has any question, welcome to inquire to this central public relations proctor Mr. Feng Lino.

然后在品酒室同西堡的几位专业品酒师品尝红酒并交流意见。Javier Amoros and Mr. Lino Gran talked with professional tasting people and exchanged the views.

酒店门口有利洛老鼠的雕像,它是该酒店的吉祥物,也是小朋友最喜爱的伙伴。At the entrance there's a statue of Lino , the mascot of the hotel and favourite of all children.

右侧是宝宝活动室入口处,左侧则是儿童活动室入口处,也就是3岁及3岁以上的小朋友玩耍的地方。To the right is the entrance to the Baby Lino, and to the left to the Junior Lino where kids from age 3 years and up are staying.

由于昨天我们的宝宝不肯喝奶,所以今天我们特地去看看她这回是否有喝奶。Because yesterday our baby did not want to drink any milk in the Baby Lino , today we went there to check if she could drink some.

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青年队球员利诺。马佐拉蒂出任右后卫,与达里奥。西米奇和戴着队长袖标的亚历桑德罗。科斯塔库塔搭档。Youth team player Lino Marzoratti came in at right-back alongside Dario Simic, Alessandro Costacurta, who captained the side, and Kakha Kaladze.

这个时侯,我们的宝宝正在睡觉,还没喝奶,所以我们没叫醒她,只看了看她,并且拍了几张像片,然后就离开活动室。This time, our baby was sleeping, still did not drink the milk, so we did not want to wake her up, only looked at her for few minutes, and took some pictures, then left the Baby Lino.