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它的任务是保护在帝国总理府的老希和他的官邸。Its job was to guard Hitler and his official residence in the Reich Chancellery.

韦伯离开总理府时,谢绝对此事向记者发表评论。Mr. Weber declined to comment to reporters as he left the Chancellery in Berlin.

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但是当我们在希特勒的总理府的时候,我们也有其他的任务。But when we were at Hitler's apartment in the Chancellery we also had other duties.

一名德国官员证实,阿克曼向默克尔提交了宾客名单。A German official confirmed that Mr. Ackermann proposed guests' names to the chancellery.

“虚拟之旅”开始于地面之上老德国总理府和冬园的图景。The "tour" starts above ground with images of the old Reich's Chancellery and Winter Garden.

最后几个月里我敬若尊长的顾问弗里德里·吕申来到了总理府。My pATernal adviser of the past few months, Fried-rich Luschen, had arrived AT the Chancellery.

大臣心急如焚,向国王痛陈利弊,说弄不好会亡国。Chancellery is fraught, to fraud of kingly painful Chen Li, say to handle bad meeting a conquered nation.

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协议在联邦总理府里举行的德中政府磋商的框架中签署。The contract was signed in the context of German-Chinese government consultations held at the German Federal Chancellery.

斗鸡这天,鸡冠国设下埋伏,把大龙国皇帝和众大臣困住。Cockfighting this day, cockscomb country sets next ambuscading, big Long Guohuang the Supreme Being and numerous chancellery box up.

它作为元首护卫队的角色大部分时间是在柏林在帝国大厦外面站岗。Its role as the Führer's bodyguard meant its soldiers spent much of their time in Berlin standing sentry duty outside the Reich Chancellery.

2004年5月3日,中国国务院总理温家宝与德国总理施罗德在德国总理府举行会谈。On May 3, 2004, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council held talks with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in the German Chancellery.

没有人讲话,唯一的声音是俄国的炮弹落在总理府花园里和打在四周断垣残壁上的爆炸声。There were no words spoken, the only sound was the roar of Russian shells exploding in the garden of the Chancellery and on the shattered walls around it.

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德国政府称,这个寄给默克尔个人的可疑包裹是在其总理办公室邮务室发现,当时她前往比利时,人不在柏林.Addressed to Merkel personally, the suspect parcel was found in the mailroom of her chancellery while she was out of the country in Belgium, the government said.

在动兵之前,他与众大臣和教士商议,确定动兵的合理以及合法性。Before sent out troops to fight, he and numerous chancellery and clergyman are consultative, those who decide sent out troops to fight is reasonable and lawful sex.

一个关键的区别是,丘吉尔的地下堡垒头顶10英尺就是实行灯火管制的伦敦街道,而希特勒的地下堡垒在柏林帝国总理府花园下面约40英尺的深处。One key difference was that Churchill's bunker was set just 10 feet below blacked-out London streets, while Hitler's was some 40 feet beneath the old Reich Chancellery gardens.

从中国古代帝国体制演进过程看,中书门下体制的建立及三省机构和职权的变化,体现了中古时期国家权力运作方式的重大转变。The establishment of the Secretariat- Chancellery and resultant structural changes embodied the major transformation in the operation of state power in the middle ancient times in China.

德国的国防部长和大使馆意识到美军正在有针对性的杀害塔利班武装分子,而且这些目标中很多都有袭击德国军队的嫌疑。The German Defense Ministry and Chancellery are aware of the targeted killing by US units of Taliban insurgents, many of whom are suspected of having committed attacks on the German army.