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利瑟镇的红色郁金香园地。Red Tulip field in Lisse.

郁金香型的高脚杯。A tulip shaped glass on a stem.

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玫瑰呀,石竹呀,还有郁金香。The rose, the pink, the tulip gay.

给郁金香园地拍照的的骑车人。Cyclist taking photo of tulip field.

荷兰是郁金香的王国。The Netherlands is the tulip kingdom.

在帝国能腰、郁金香裙。Pleating at empire waist and tulip skirt.

他将郁金香球茎植在盆栽土里,等着生根。He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.

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他把郁金香的鳞茎种在盆栽用土中使其生根。He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.

这朵红白色的郁金香很美。The red and white tulip is very beautiful.

郁金香,带着绚丽的斑斓色彩The tulip which with gaudy colours stained

你站在紧靠郁金香花的场地,好吗?Will you stand close to the tulip flowers?

两片小而圆润的嘴唇好似郁金香的球茎般丰满。Her tiny, round lips were full like a tulip bulb.

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总有一天我要让你们去看看我们那郁金香花盛开的田野。Some day I'd like you to see our tulip fields in bloom.

大多数人一提起球茎花就想到郁金香。Most people think of the tulip when they think of bulb flowers.

天开出颜色鲜亮的杯状的花朵。Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.

它们看上去就像去年春天偶们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.

一个郁金香球茎的价值,有时是因为一个完整的房子。the value of one tulip bulb would sometimes be that of an entire house.

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因此,投资者们越来越多地购买昂贵合同。A speculator could sign a contract to purchase a tulip for 100 guilders.

这些病毒来自于桃子和土豆上的一种寄生虫。The virus came to the tulip from a louse living on peaches and potatoes.

突然,他们已成为21世纪的郁金香球茎等效。and suddenly they have become the 21st century equivalent of tulip bulbs.