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五集邮及其相关商品。Philately and related merchandise.

多姿多彩的集邮方式②。Varied ways and means of philately ii.

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我三年前就开始喜欢集邮了。I have enjoyed philately three years ago.

集邮是对邮票进行收集和研究。Philately is the study and collection of stamps.

集邮界很快就知道了奥运五环标志。The world of philately soon got to know the rings.

集邮乒乓球轮滑读书和音乐。Philately pingpong roller skating reading and music.

那里有一个集邮专柜,他能在那儿买到他想收藏的邮票。They have a philately counter where he can buy stamps for his collection.

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集邮,正逐步走进人们的生活,成为文人雅士和普通百姓的爱好之一。Philately is stepping into people's lives, the rich, scholars and commoners.

集邮已经远远超出了邮票作为邮资支付的功能。Philately has no longer been a symbol indicating how many stamps serve as postage.

单词Philately的后半部分文来自于希腊语ateleia,意思为“免税”。The second half of the word philately comes from the Greek ateleia meaning “tax exemption.”

你喜欢集邮吗?集邮有哪些益处?说来听听!Are you fond of philately? Which benefit does philately have? Listen to as a matter of fact!

邮政部门销售集邮邮票、首日封,应当征收增值税。Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and first day covers by postal departments.

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Philately是“集邮”的术语,不过这个单词的希腊语词根字面意思是“免税爱好者”。Philately is the term for stamp collecting, yet the Greek roots of the word literally mean “lovers of tax freedom.”

我儿子喜欢去主要的邮局,因为那有集邮柜台,他可以在那买到邮票来收集。My son likes going to the main post office. They have a philately counter where he can buy stamps for his collection.

Philately单词中的phil-,同于“博爱城”费城Philadelphia中的Phi-,或者高端音响设备爱好者audiophile中的Phi-。The phil- in philately is the same as in Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, or in audiophile a lover of high end stereo equipment.

单词Philately是由一个叫乔治·海尔宾的法国集邮者创造的,并在1864年的一本法国集邮杂志上得到推荐。The word philately was invented by a French stamp collector named George Herpin and proposed in a French stamp collecting magazine in 1864.

沙溪成立了文学、美术书法、音乐舞蹈、曲艺、诗社、摄影、集邮、民间艺术等八大协会。Shaxi Town has established eight associations for literature, art &calligraphy, music dance, ballad, poem, photography, philately , folk art.

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迈克尔很喜欢收集邮票和踢足球,在收集邮票的过程中,他了解到很多有关邮局一系列邮票的传奇特征。Given his interests in both philately and football, Michael was excited to learn about the post office's new series of stamps featuring legendary quarterbacks.

尽管集邮不能使你快速致富,但是如果你要尝试集邮,你就必须适当考虑该国的经济增长潜力和人口的多少。Although philately is not a scheme to get rich quick, if you try to do so, you must duly consider the economic growth potential and population of a certain country.

虽然集邮是世界上最普遍的爱好之一,但是集邮人士的平均年龄在上升,集邮前景如何将有赖于今日的年轻人。Although philately is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, the average age of collectors is increasing, and the future of philately rests with today's youth.