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怀孕期约为22个月。Gestation is approximately 22 months.

先证者父母选择了终止妊娠。So this family chose to stop the gestation.

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不够尊重孕育进步的过程。Not respecting the gestation of improvement.

提出绒毛取材时间以孕6~7周最适宜。The time for sampling is suggested between 6-7 gestation weeks.

通常在产前检查时发现此肿瘤约为怀孕22周以后。Antenatal diagnosis is usually made after 22 weeks of gestation.

在怀孕的最后几周里他差不多会每周增重半磅。In the last weeks of gestation he’ll gain about half a pound a week.

随着妊娠次数的增加,宫颈和宫颈管宽度增加。The cervical and canal width were positive correlated with gestation.

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术后母绵羊继续妊娠,待足月后行剖腹产取胎羊。After surgical intervention the fetal sheep continued on its gestation.

这只大熊猫324天的怀孕期打破了目前大熊猫200天怀孕期的吉尼斯纪录。The 324-day gestation period broke the present 200-day Guinness record.

人头马XO是酝酿期最长的XO,醇和,香味浓郁。Remy Martin XO is the longest gestation period of XO, mellow, rich flavor.

我曾经亲眼看到孕育了24周的早产儿,出生然后死亡。I have witnessed preemies , from 24 weeks of gestation and on, live and die.

举个例子,一名女子非常规性地,在怀孕期32周出现了早产现象。Take for example a lady who is irregularly contracting at 32 weeks gestation.

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牦牛的雄性性别分化始于妊娠的第36-40天。The sex differentiation in male embryo occurrs on 36th -40th day of gestation.

胎龄22天胎兔背部皮肤已有神经纤维支配。The skin nerve fibers were detected in the fetal rabbits at 22 days gestation.

母海豚经过12个月的孕育期生养一头小海豚。Female have one calf ?one metre long at birth, after 12 month gestation period.

非洲象常年均可交配,母象的怀孕期大约2年。Mating occurs all year long with the gestation period of approximately 2 years.

早产被定义为怀孕不到37周的生产。Preterm birth is defined as a birth that takes place before 37 weeks gestation.

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目的探讨改善多胎妊娠围生儿状况的针对性措施。Objective To explore the measures of improving the results in multiple gestation.

TCT检测技术用于妊娠期妇女宫颈病变的筛查安全、可行。TCT used in detection of cervical lesions in gestation period was safe and viable.

这是这位34岁妇女的首次怀孕,腹中的胎儿已妊娠38周。It was the 34-year-old's first pregnancy and her baby had reached 38 weeks gestation.