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眼镜后面的眼珠子突凸出来。Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.

拇指能使牙齿向外突出。Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.

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在北侧半圆壁龛另有一块相似的石头。A similar rocky protrusion was noticed in the north apse.

在刀轮保持具是设突起部。The cutter wheel keeper is provided with a protrusion portion.

在同一间屋里,墙上有个凸起的鼓包。In the same room, there was a ­convex protrusion from the wall.

伸出细胞的美丽表面。It is a protrusion of the cell sticking out of the epic al surface.

露体为表露出皮肤,露形为表露出曲线突征。Naked to show skin, reveal shape to show curve protrusion syndrome.

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观察椎间盘突出的程度及类型。The degree and type of intervertebral disc protrusion were observed.

修改就意味着重化,或者在旧模型的上面增加新的切割或伸展。Modification meant re-draw, or add a new cut or protrusion on top of old ones.

这可能是腹部的突出物忽然之间就滚动到了右边。There may be a protrusion on one side of your abdomen that suddenly rolls right.

用同样方法对正后挡板凸缘后安装后挡板窗玻璃。Install the tailgate window glass in the same way the protrusion of the tailgate flange.

选定的中心位置可根据需要相对于前突痕迹而移动。The selected centric position can be shifted as desired in relation to the protrusion trace.

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图3-16因舌前推所致之门牙前突且呈倒钩住下颚门牙。Fig3-16 Incisal protrusion with tongue thrust forward and hooked over the mandibular incisors.

钙化性腰椎间盘突出症是腰椎间盘突出症的一种特殊类型。The calcified protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc is a particular type of lumbar disc protrusion.

目的通过随访评价人工髓核置换术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的远期效果。Objective To investigate and assess the PDN-SOLO TM artificial nucleus replacement for lumbar disc protrusion.

目的研究下颌前突伴上颌骨发育不全患者术后颜面软组织侧貌改变。Objective Study of lateral soft tissue profile of patients with mandibular protrusion and maxillary hypoplasia.

目的比较平片与CT对腰椎盘间突出的诊断。Objective To Compare the diagnosis of Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion between theexamines of X-ray and CT.

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在腰椎间盘突出症治疗,创大回环手法,取得良好的疗效。He project a Large Cycle Maneuver to treat the protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc and achieved good effect.

方法对116例腰椎间盘突出症采用推拿按摩配合中药治疗。Method 116 cases with lubar intervertebral disc protrusion treated with massage and traditional chinese medicine.

对39例临床确诊的椎间盘脱出症病人,在硬膜外麻醉下行椎间盘髓核摘除术。We have studied 39 patients with protrusion of intervertebral disks that has been conformed by clinical diagnosis.