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还有比这个场景更唯美的的吗?The setting couldn't have been more cinematic.

全球院线的下个热门点又将是什么?What will be the next global cinematic hot spot?

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结束时麦克白的对话固定。Fixed the Macbeth message at the ending cinematic.

呃-哦。你又来了,念着影片中的台词。耶,你啊!Uh-oh. There you go again, talking cinematic. Yeah, you!

有什么能和猫女这部杰作一战的么?Can anything top this cinematic masterpiece from Catwoman?

修正跳过过场动画时导致的黑屏问题。Fixed black screen deadlock when skipping doppelganger cinematic.

这里,我们挑了电影史上10只最受喜爱的、能量足以摧毁城市的怪兽。We pick our 10 favorite city-crumbling cinematic beasts of all time.

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第二十四章动画风格的强烈影响,与电影文学系列。Twenty four chapter anime-inspired cinematic literature series with intense effects.

这部影片是对那些远远没有解决的公民权利的电影宣传册。The film is a cinematic pamphlet about a civil rights issue that's far from resolved.

接着它又变得很电影化了,镜头会说,等等,我可以帮忙“And then it becomes cinematic again because the camera says "Wait a minute, I can help."

通过他们一起拍摄的第一部电影,三个朋友获得了金奖。In their first attempt at a film together, the three amigos have achieved cinematic gold.

从建筑到风景,这个国家到处都体现出其成为电影拍摄地的潜力。It is a country resonant with cinematic potential, from its architecture to its landscape.

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感谢你和Chivo为我们所有人创造出卓越的电影体验。Thank you to you and Chivo for creating a transcendent cinematic experience for all of us.

电影情节中对能源的描绘各式各样,有时精确无误、有时略显夸张,而有时则是彻头彻尾的胡扯。The cinematic portrayal of energy has varied from spot-on to loose to downright ridiculous.

获得电影体验无粒状或眼睛,铺在范围上的权利。To get a cinematic experience without graininess or eyestrain , shop in the ranges at right.

马克斯·威勒克利用大量的电影图像进行创作,并且与电影的普遍存在有着密切的联系。Markus Willeke works with numerous cinematic and in close relation to the cinema's omnipresence.

我们要借鉴外国电影创作经验,借鉴的目的是为了发展本民族电影艺术。We should refer to the experience of foreign film production to develop our nations own cinematic art.

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要说这位后现代电影讽刺大师所要打算的事情绝非这般简单,则稳操胜券。It is a safe bet that the master of post-modern cinematic irony intended nothing so simplistic as this.

宣传片的录制很胜利,惠美爸爸看到惠美开心的样子,心开端动摇了。The cinematic teaser recording very victory, huimei dad see huimei happy look, the heart beginning waver.

本文是针对赵季平先生创作的电影音乐进行民族文化分析的论文。This is the thesis oriented to make an ethnical and cultural analysis of the cinematic music composed by Mr.