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附近村庄里的一位垂钓者。A fisherman from the neighbouring village.

证据可能在于我们邻近的星系。Evidence may be in our neighbouring galaxy.

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吉姆·缪尔从领国黎巴嫩发回报道。Jim Muir reports from neighbouring Lebanon.

嗣后,你可以逛一下附近的动物园。Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.

嗣后,你可以逛一下四周的动物园。Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.

这个部落被邻近部落举行的炫财冬宴所压倒。This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan.

那个间谍企图逃到邻国去。The spy attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.

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他们过去经常偷运枪支到邻近国家。They used to run firearms into neighbouring countries.

在领国老挝尚未有伤员的报道。In neighbouring Laos, no casualties have been reported.

阿兹台克人征服了邻近的部落。The Aztecs subjected the neighbouring tribes to their rule.

那个罪犯企图逃到邻国去。The criminal attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.

在缅甸的内陆交接国泰国,很多地区都有震感。The tremor was felt in many parts of neighbouring Thailand.

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一格的周围相邻八格与该格不能是相同数字。Diagonally neighbouring cells cannot contain the same digit.

他们与邻邦缔结了一项协定。They concluded an agreement with their neighbouring country.

那噪音搞得四邻不安。No one in the neighbouring flats was unawakened by the noise.

为什么一个岛还拥有邻岛的一半?Why would one island own half of a neighbouring island as well?

在邻近的孟加拉国,月食观察家出来趋之若鹜。In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.

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全队秣马厉兵准备同邻校比赛。The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring school.

昨天在邻村是农房开门的日节的。Yesterday, in the neighbouring villages, it was "open-farm" day.

我们厂和附近村庄经常来往。Our factory has frequent contacts with the neighbouring villages.