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但主办者的神来之笔是延请罗伯特·卡尔森为展览策划。But the curators' masterstroke was to enlist Robert Carsen to design the exhibition.

“耐克”推出酷眩鞋款早已教人见怪不怪,但该公司最新的密技乃是社交网络。You expect fancy footwear from Nike. But its latest masterstroke is social networking.

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总之,均衡是民商法现代化的主线,在现代民商法中发挥着重要的作用。All in all, the Equilibrium is the masterstroke in the modernization of the Civil Law and Commercial Law.

主线任务具有等级限制,还有支线任务和循环任务等内容。Masterstroke task has grade restriction, still have the content such as branch line task and circular task.

程序正义和实体正义的博弈是探寻司法正义问题的主线。The game theory between procedural and substantial justice is a masterstroke to explore judicial justice issues.

总体来说抓住人性这根主线,力求发掘尤凤伟小说中独特的人性底蕴。As a whole, this thesis try to find the unique humanity in You Fengwei's works through capture humanity only this masterstroke.

基翁预计温格会在转会市场上再出妙招,如果他用波尔图的查马克来替代阿德巴约。And Keown expects Wenger to produce a masterstroke in the transfer market if he replaces Adebayor with Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh.

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以人为本与全面协调可持续发展是相辅相成的,以人为本是全面协调可持续发展的灵魂和主线。Humanism and the sustainable development in an all-round coordinated way supplement each other, with the former the spirit and masterstroke of the latter.

今后二三十年,进行产业结构调整和升级,将成为中国经济发展的主线。In the following twenty or thirty years, to carry on industrial structure adjustment and upgrade will become the masterstroke of China's economic development.

麦卡锡的决定让多伊勒担任单前锋证明一步妙棋,因为这让亨利、曼西恩尼、米利亚斯牢牢控制中场。McCarthy's decision to play Doyle as a lone frontman proved a masterstroke as it allowed the likes of Karl Henry, Michael Mancienne and Nenad Milijas to control the midfield.

但今天看来让巴克莱资本从华尔街平庸者一举成为可信竞争对手的神来之笔,本来也很可能演变为灾难。But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously.

但是,科将其完美的一击留在了这场争夺战的最后关头。当伦敦奥申委代表团在新加坡作最后陈述时,他向国际奥委会的代表们做了一个极具个性化的演讲。But Coe saved his finest masterstroke for the closing moments of the campaign when he delivered a very personal speech to IOC delegates during London's final presentation in Singapore.

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木头成了房子的主要使用材料、装饰材料和结构材料,设计主线追求的是一种简单而直接的自然木色感觉。Wood became the main use material of the house, adornment material and structural material, designing what masterstroke goes after is a kind of simple and direct natural wood look feeling.