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我乘车去了那里。I rode over there.

他骑了那匹新马。He rode the new horse.

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约翰和汤姆两人合骑一匹马。John and Tom rode double.

侏儒骑上马。The dwarf rode the horse.

之后,他就骑自行车出去了。He rode away on a bicycle.

海燕在暴风雨中飞掠。The petrel rode the storm.

恩佐骑着自行车去上班。Enzo rode the bike to work.

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他把马骑得累死了。He rode his horse to death.

我和我们的伙伴们骑自行车。My friends and I rode bikes.

我于是可以骑得更快,出问题的次数也渐少。I rode faster and crashed less.

我就骑上马,在该领域的合作。I rode the horse in the fields.

他的母亲让他骑在她的背上。His mother rode him on her back.

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他让儿子骑在他的肩上。He rode his son on his shoulders.

桑科在后面骑在驴子上。Sancho rode behind on his donkey.

一轮明月在夜空中移动。A full moon rode in the night sky.

他拨转马头就走了。He turned his horse and rode away.

他那白皙的肤色,宛如夏雪。White his rode as the summer snow.

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鲍勃把马骑得走不动了。Bob rode his horse to a standstill.

哈里骑上马追赶他。Harry rode on a horse to purse him.

骑马时要骑在鞍子上。He saddled his horse and rode away.