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客观真理的相反就是致命。Objectivity is the opposite of fatality.

它反对客观性It rejects the very concept of objectivity.

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一些人质疑客观性是否可取。Some question whether objectivity is desirable.

客观性是齐曼科学学研究的核心问题。Objectivity is the core problem of his research.

辩护律师们以专业的客观性做到这一点。The defense lawyers did this with professional objectivity.

在美国,新闻工作者力争做到客观。Journalists in the United States strive to achieve objectivity.

“纯粹的客观是一个荒谬的概念”,主教说。"Pure objectivity is an absurd abstraction, " says the Cardinal.

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透明度就像过去客观性那样带给我们可靠性。Transparency brings us to reliability the way objectivity used to.

哈丁注意到客观性概念的多义和复杂。Harding noted that the concept of objectivity and complex polysemy.

识别和减轻对独立性和客观性的损害。Recognize and mitigate impairments to independence and objectivity.

但是能保证这些材料是中立和客观的吗?But is there a guarantee for the sources neutrality and objectivity?

我们使用客体化来抹掉血腥跟残酷。It consists in eradicating the blood and cruelty by use of objectivity.

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科学学研究者并不否认现实、真理,以及客观性。Science studies researchers do not deny reality, truth, or objectivity.

本文第三章探讨了电子证据和电子签名相关的内容。Firstly, it treats the relativity and Objectivity of Electronic Evidence.

根据上面的讨论,便知客观性一词实具三个意义。Up to this point, the discussion has shown three meanings of objectivity.

在心理学中,真实客观几乎被认为是不可能的。In psychology, true objectivity is pretty much considered to be impossible.

因此,我唯一的硕士和我唯一的情妇都是事实性和客观性。Therefore, my only master and my only mistress are the facts and objectivity.

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在选择研究问题时,意义必须高于客观现实。Meaningfulness must precede objectivity in the selection of research problems.

这为探寻疑难案件的客观性提供了理论依据。It provides theoretical basis for exploring the objectivity of difficult cases.

对这类问题,你如何平衡科学的客观性与宣传正确的主张呢?On an issue like this, how do you balance scientific objectivity with advocacy?