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她像个小女学生似的脸红了。Her face coloured like a schoolgirl.

这个女学生喜欢做针线活。This schoolgirl likes to do some needlework.

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女生打耳洞打哪个比较好?。Does the schoolgirl hit ear hole which better?

女生月经期真的怎么吃都不胖吗?How does schoolgirl menses eat really not fat?

我听说戴维正在和一个女学生混在一起。I hear that David is running around with a schoolgirl.

一九四○年,一位德国女学生写下了以下一段记录。The following is what a German schoolgirl wrote in 1940.

“女性优于男性,”尖叫一女学生。"Females are better than males, " screeched a schoolgirl.

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网吧制服美眉和他们的老板的合影。The schoolgirl beauties with the boss of the internet bar.

网吧制服美眉和他们的老板的合影。Group photo of the schoolgirl beauties and their male boss.

她向女学生卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇奖状。She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker.

她可以阅读和拼写,甚至记得学校的法国女孩。She can still read and spell and she even remembers her schoolgirl French.

我本人同意这位女生的简明质朴的分析。I myself agree with the compendious and simple analysis of this schoolgirl.

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她的双腿变得修长,下颌的轮廓也变了模样,还剪短了自己的头发。The schoolgirl developed long legs her jawline changed she had her hair cut.

这边这个是日本女学生。This is a typical Japanese salaryman and over here is a Japanese schoolgirl.

蒂莉·史密斯就读于英国萨里郡奥克斯肖特的丹尼斯山学校。Tilly Smith is a schoolgirl at Danes Hill School in Oxshott, Surrey, England.

她双腿变得修长,下巴轮廓变了,头发也剪短了。The schoolgirl developed long legs, her jawline changed, she had her hair cut.

这个女学生长了一双修长的腿,脸型也变化了,头发也短了。The schoolgirl developed long legs, her jaw-line changed, she had her hair cut.

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其中有一例谈到有个名叫维拉。彼托洛娃的11岁女学生。其视力与常人一样。One case concerns an 11-year-old schoolgirl Vera Petrova, who has normal vision.

这位女中学生是在一年前舞蹈班放课后遭遇的不明袭击。The schoolgirl was targeted a year ago by a mystery attacker after a dance class.

今年的2月,一个9岁的中国女学生诞下一男婴。In February this year a nine-year-old Chinese schoolgirl gave birth to a baby boy.