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大部分游客慕名去了同名的中区寺庙。Most visitors make for the eponymous central temple.

地拉那坐落在和她同名的区域。Tirana is located at in the eponymous district and county.

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列宁以其名字命名的城市现在又恢复圣彼得堡的旧名。It's bad enough that Vladimir Lenin's eponymous city is St.

在2005年结阴沉佩里公布他的名字命名的独唱。In 2005, guitarist Joe Perry released his eponymous solo album.

年这些电视配乐以恩雅的名字命名作为独唱专辑发行。The soundtrack was released in 1986 as her eponymous solo album.

1979年,卡尔文·克莱恩在这个和自己同名的时尚品牌的广告里。Calvin Klein stars in this 1979 advertisement for his eponymous fashion label.

1908年,珍妮·朗万为她的女儿玛格丽特建立了与她同名的服装设计室。In 1908, Jeanne Lanvin founded her eponymous couture house for daughter Marguerite.

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孙燕姿在2000年凭借同名专辑进入华语乐坛。Ms Stefanie Sun burst onto the Chinese music scene with her eponymous debut album in 2000.

当然,流星雨的辐射点就位于著名的御夫座内。Of course, the shower's radiant point is in the eponymous constellation Auriga , the Charioteer.

转眼之间他们手中拥有了一首风靡美国的歌曲和一张唱片。By the summer, they had signed with Warner in America, releasing their eponymous debut in the fall.

该乐队的处女秀发布的录音室专辑是通过回顾2001年,生产的克里斯角落。The band's eponymous debut studio album was released through Recall in 2001, produced by Chris Corner.

联合利华就雇用了一群“邦德女郎”向前来百货公司购物的顾客讲解如何敷用联合利华公司的面霜。Unilever employs an army of “Pond Girls” who show department-store customers how to use the eponymous face cream.

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通常,一个用户是他或她的同名组中的唯一成员,这个同名组有效地将访问权限限制于该用户。Typically, a user is the only member of his or her eponymous group, which effectively limits access solely to the user.

吴在纽约帕森斯学习时装设计。2006年2月以来,他一直在为他的同名品牌设计时装。Wu studied fashion design at Parson's in New York City. He has been designing his eponymous label since February, 2006.

这里的风景极具澳大利亚特色,就像在巴兹•鲁曼的成名电影中一样,电影中最美丽的风光就是在这儿拍摄的。The landscape shouted Australia, indeed Baz Luhrmann's eponymous film, best viewed for its scenery, was shot hereabouts.

萨斯卡通,加拿大的西部大酿酒公司的啤酒齐名的家庭已超过20年的一个区域的最爱。Saskatoon, Canada's Great Western Brewing Co's eponymous family of beers has been a regional favourite for over 20 years.

虽然世界各国都能酿酒,但是只有法国香槟地区才能酿造出这种同名汽酒。While countries all over the world can produce wine, only the champagne region of France can produce the eponymous drink.

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但就是这样一个小公司却在“全美十佳公司”中几乎每年排名前列,和微软、惠普等国际性大公司齐名。But this is a small company in "the top ranked in almost every company", and Microsoft, HP etc international companies eponymous.

尽管有着拜伦勋爵这个绰号,在人们看来,以此为名的主演却不太可能会被认为是个疯狂,难以了解,或是危险的人。Despite his literary moniker, the eponymous hero of “Lord Byron” is unlikely to be accused of being mad, bad or dangerous to know.

以“完美的我”概念设计出来的第一件产品,是一件印有“食物浪费”的夹克衫,一本探讨齐名问题的书。Their first product under the I'MPERFECT concept is a jacket cover for "Food Waste, " a book that investigates the eponymous issue.