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我对角色比较挑剔。I'm a little bit more selective with that

什么是后应急选择性除草剂?。What is Post-Emergent Selective Herbicide?

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和我们自己的选择育成蜡笔。And our own line of selective bred Pastels.

可以选择性共享每个用户专用的挂载树Per-user mount trees with selective sharing

选择性局部锐化东西不容吧可施用。No selective area sharpening should be done.

目前,咱们就把它算做地图的选择性。For the moment, let's say it is not selective.

抗菌素引起菌丛的选择性变化。Antibiotics produce a selective change in flora.

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依普利酮是选择性的醛甾酮拮抗药。Eplerenone is a selective aldosterone antagonist.

卵巢必须谨慎,选择和滋养。The ova must be cautious, selective and nurturing.

方法采用氟离子选择电极法。Method Fluoride ion selective electrode method was used.

这是关于选择“问题中的问题“的。It's very selective. It's about the question of questions.

结果表明,半夏凝集素形成的通道为阳离子通道。The results showed that PTL-channels werecation selective.

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当然,你需要有选择性地显露弱点。You have to be selective in your vulnerability, of course.

自己选择滴簬。就算跪着也喓自己撑芐迲!Oneself selective road, Even if the kneel also Gotta Go To!

索普还证明,苍头燕雀学歌是有所选择的。Thorpe also showed that the chaffinch is selective imitate.

选种培育以提高产量会大有可为。There is potential for selective breeding for better yields.

有没有更好的方法说服一个跚跚学步的幼童有选择性地听话呢?A better way to reason with a toddler with selective hearing?

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因此,要在你的发布定义特性设置中有选择性。Therefore, be selective in your release-defining feature set.

时间线录像工具可以将选定的时间线录制到磁带。Timeline VTR tool allows selective timeline playback to tape.

这家报纸被要求在报道中应少一些主观的选择性。The newspaper was asked to be less selective in its reporting.