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那么假设有一个毫无防备的人正好站在岔线上呢?Suppose a single unsuspecting man was on the siding?

拦路抢劫者等候在黑暗的小巷中准备袭击毫无防范的行人。Muggers lay for the unsuspecting pedestrian in the dark alley.

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他们对无辜的、毫无警觉的平民下毒手。This is an enemy who preys on innocent and unsuspecting people.

据色诺顿的记载,他会向毫无准备的路人发问。Here he would jump on unsuspecting passersby, as Xenophon records.

他两次目睹群豹向毫无戒备的小狒狒猛扑过去。Twice he had seen leopards pouncing on unsuspecting young baboons.

盔甲会发出咯咯声,移动,甚至嘲笑。The armor creaks and moves and even laughs at unsuspecting students.

窃贼藏匿在角落里候着毫无戒备之心的受害者。The thief has been lurking in a corner for his unsuspecting victims.

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我想她已经把偷来的项链脱了手给一位没有防备的老妇人。I think she palmed off the stolen necklace on some unsuspecting old lady.

耐奥祖决定用这些毫无防备的人类来检验他的力量。On a whim, Ner'zhul decided to test his powers on the unsuspecting humans.

不过,无辜的比尔博当天早上所见的,只是一名拿着拐杖的老人。All that the unsuspecting Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a staff.

你情感丰富,耳根子软,对人毫无防备之心。B. emotion you rich suggestible sub-soft on the people of unsuspecting heart.

这些炸弹是建筑工人、潜水客、天真儿童的克星。The bombs are the bane of construction crews, divers and unsuspecting children.

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一头凶猛的怪兽破水而出,并随时准备给毫不设防的猎物致命一击。A mighty beast rises out of the water, ready to pounce on some unsuspecting prey.

在米尔恩湾,它复杂的嘴可以吸进任何不幸游到附近的猎物。Its complex mouth inhales unsuspecting prey that swim haplessly by near Milne Bay.

她利用完了他,把他榨干后,就会去找下一个毫无戒备心的受害者。She would use him up and suck him dry and move on to the next unsuspecting victim.

一只马来西亚花螳螂,蜷缩在鲜花中等待不期而遇的猎物。A Malaysian flower mantis, which crouches among flowers awaiting unsuspecting prey.

都会对没有戒心的网络用户搞搞愚人节恶作剧。Every year Google perpetrates its own April fools pranks on unsuspecting web users.

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此时的六间仍然是清醒着的,它们可以毫不费力的一口吞下毫无警觉性的Cyprichromis。Fronts, still awake and alert, easily scoop the unsuspecting Cyps up by the mouthful.

为了找到答案,康奈尔大学的饮食行为专家布莱恩·文辛克招募了60名毫无戒备心的成年人。Cornell eating behavior expert Brian Wansink enlisted 60 unsuspecting adults to find out.

有致命危险的毒品一直毫无顾忌的毒害着那些寻找刺激的无戒备之心的孩子。A potentially lethal drug has been loosed upon unsuspecting kids looking for a quick high.