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贝尔坐在自家屋顶上乐滋滋地唱歌。Bell sitting on his roof, sings delightedly.

那太好了!'他的妻子高兴地说。That's wonderful! 'said his wife delightedly.

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贾里德高兴地笑了,并用肘推了推船长。Jared laughed delightedly and nudged the captain.

我愉快地拥抱了我的孙子孙女,和他们打招呼。I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.

容克在会见时愉快地回忆了他5次访华的情景。During the meeting Juncker delightedly recalled his five visits to China.

她跟以前一样跳起来高兴地拥抱了我。然后她转向她丈夫。She jumped up and took me delightedly in her arms, just as she used to do.

我和我的家人高兴地吃了团圆饭。I had a family reunion dinner with my family delightedly. We all enjoyed it!

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有一天,我看见窗台的土豆发了很多的芽,挺好看!Once, I delightedly saw the potatoes on the window-sill have begun to sprout.

然后,两人高兴地手挽手,走在笔直的海边栈道上。Then they walked hand in hand on the straight plank road on the beach delightedly.

我非常高兴娶到了一位美丽的杭州姑娘为妻,她的名字叫莉莉。I am most delightedly married to a beautiful Chinese girl from Hangzhou named Lily.

计公公得到保证,略显欣慰的点了点头。Account a grandfather to get assurance, slightly showed to delightedly order to nod.

他们欣然地接受生命,耐心地等待那逝去的一刻而不忧心。They delightedly accept their lives and patiently wait for the moment passing without any worry.

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台上的设计师讲得眉飞色舞,台下的业主听得津津有味、频频点头。On the stage designer says delightedly , under the stage owner hears to nod repeatedly with gusto.

他们欣然地接受生命,耐心地等待那逝去的一刻而不忧心。They delightedly accept their lives and patiently wait for the moment of passing away without any worry.

我们高兴地走了进去,感激地拿过苹果酒,暖和的酒杯暖着我们冰冻的手指。Delightedly , we entered and gratefully accepted some hot cider, warming our frozen fingers on the hot mugs.

然后,你沮丧地继续往前开,终于开心地看到有辆车正在离开车位,而这个车位离你的目的地要近得多!Then, as you dejectedly move forward, you delightedly see a vehicle fortunately much closer to your destination pull out!

对于沈从文的乡土小说,研究人员与普通读者是津津乐道于作品中的田园、视景和牧歌情趣。Researchers are delightedly talking about the countryside sights and pastorals sentiment in Shen CongWen's countryside novel.

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我们畅谈了一夜,相约下一年的中秋再来讨论音乐。We were talking about the music delightedly all night and we also promised to meet again in the Mid-Autumn Festival next year.

刘艳喜笑颜开地讲着比尔的灵性,对它的凶猛度和领地意识也侃侃而谈。Liu Yan is speaking Bill's intelligence delightedly , and territory consciousness also speaks with confidence to its fierceness.

可是有一点很重要,在心理上他已准备好,不论将来死后会变成什么样子,他都欣然接受。Nevertheless, it is of importance that he is ready in mind to delightedly accept the future and whatever happenings after death.