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比如,创造力Consider creativity.

考虑银行劫案。Consider bank-robbing.

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把此当作真理吧!Consider this as true!

考虑下整粒谷物食品。Consider whole grains.

我认为他是个蠢材。I consider him a fool.

考虑你的听众。Consider your audience.

我会在下面考虑这些。I consider those below.

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考虑一下去魁北克旅游。Consider a trip to Québec.

你觉得它是有用吗?Do you consider it useful?

让我们来考虑下这两个研究So, consider both studies.

试想一下飞机票。Consider an airline ticket.

你该考虑一下冠状头饰。You might consider a tiara.

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思考一下以下这段便可得知。Consider just the following.

以我的汽车修理师为例吧。Consider my auto-repair man.

考虑使用定焦镜头。Consider using a prime lens.

我们必须体谅他还年轻。We must consider his youth.

你认为自己算是吗?Do you consider yourself one?

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我认为他是一个老实人。I consider him an honest man.

那会是个大笑话。I consider that to be a joke.

我们从肉体视角考虑。Let's consider the body view.