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我们班没有一个人缺席。No one in our classis absent.

他们班的学生人数是50人。The number of students in their classis fifty.

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这节课的任务是练习这些短语。The task of this classis practising the idioms.

他是班里最好的学生是很明显的。That he is the best student in the classis obvious.

他们管辖下的阿姆斯特丹赛。They were under the jurisdiction of the Classis of Amsterdam.

第五章是示范课,示范了一堂互动听力课。In Chapter five, a demonstration lesson of an interactive listening classis designed.

class在拉丁语中的词源classis就是社会等级划分的意思。It was a meaning of social divisions of people into a hierarchy that the Latin parent word classis referred to.

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这是第一步的独立性,这是完全实现了1755年的授权成立一个赛。This was the first step towards independence, which was completely realized in 1755 by the authorized formation of a classis.

专业的经验和广泛的产品范围使得公司成为加拿大集装箱产业的市场领导者。That expertise and the company's wide selection of products make Max-Atlas as a Canadian leader in the container classis industry.

古典诗性语言向现代工具语言的转变与古典人文教育向现代功利教育的转变同步。The change from classic poetic language to modern instrumental language synchronizes with the change from classis humanistic education to modern utilitarian education.

你们可能希望自己再过几年能当医生、律师或是数学家,因此认为并不需要在这堂英诗课多加努力,所以你把它给吹了。You may see yourselves in a few years becoming doctors, lawyers, or mathematicians, and therefore may think that this poetry classis something you don't need to do well in.