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这是主观主义和相对主义的横行。This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck.

军事要塞充满肃杀感,战事一触即发。Fortress filling amuck and wars being going to launch.

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这个疯子在人群里横冲直撞,胡乱开枪。The maniac ran amuck in the crowd, shooting at random.

来帮助社会上不识字的人们。Being parents, you should educate your son not to run amuck.

今天,你们有着没有这种生命经历的领袖,将世界领向疯狂。Today you have leaders with no life experience who lead the world amuck.

让你的想象力任意驰骋,尽情创造你想要的一切吧。Let your imagination run amuck and create the world that you would wish to be in.

我旁边的女孩马上互换了座位防止事情横行。The girl next to me immediately exchanged the seat to prevent things going amuck.

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在广州,黑虎帮和北海帮两大恶势力横行于黄埔港。Be in Guangzhou, black tiger side and the North sea help two great vicious power run amuck at yellow Bu harbor.

毫无疑问,富兰克林会赞成开放源码,很可能会激烈地反对软件专利和版权法规。No doubt, Franklin would approve of open source and would likely side with critics of both software patents and copyright legislation run amuck.

本来应该是地方文化名城,但长期“黑色”的文化熏浴造成这里改变原来的外观,黑色邪恶势力疯狂地跑。Originally should be the place culture famous city, however for long "black" the culture smoked the bath to cause here to change the original appearance, the black evil force ran amuck.