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把这块粘土压缩成一个小球。Compress this clay into a small ball.

但是我不太确定这是否压缩了范围I'm not sure it does compress the range.

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单轴和三轴压缩试验。Uniaxial and Triaxial Compress Experiment.

空气会压缩,但是刹车油不会。Air will compress but the brake fluid won't.

你能把你的讲话精简为五分钟吗?Can you compress your speech into five minutes?

我应每隔几小时换一次湿布?。Every how many hours shall I change a compress?

同时压紧肌肉,可以大幅度提高成绩。They compress muscle and can shave off seconds.

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骨性颅腔,脑组织不可压缩。Brain tissue can't compress in bony cranial cavity.

无色,无味,不燃,惰性,压缩气体。Colorless, odorless non-flammable, inert compress gas.

可以应用技术手段压缩某些格式。Techniques can be applied to compress certain formats.

一位老太太说,这是舒缓的像一个冷敷。One old lady said it was soothing, like a cold compress.

增大的淋巴结可能会挤压食管引起吞咽困难。Enlarging nodes may compress the esophagus causing dysphagia.

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应用多进制小波理论,对格网DEM数据进行了压缩。Uses multi-band wavelet theory to compress the grid DEM data.

把你的作文缩写成100字以内的短文。Compress your composition into a shorter one within 100 words.

我成功地把十页的笔记压缩成四个段落。I managed to compress ten pages of notes into four paragraphs.

它也可以压缩文件和提取音频视频文件。It can also compress files and extract audio from video files.

把盆里的泥土压紧,这样能使植物固定。Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.

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然后再对其压缩以至吊钩接头的端滑入另一端。Then compress it so one end of the hook joint slides over the other.

“他们似乎将残疾压缩到他们生命的最后”帕尔说。"They seem to compress disability to the end of their lives, " says Perls.

这样我们就可以把投影设备和投影屏幕的距离拉近。It allows us to compress the distance between the projector and the screen.