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但硬件不能保证绝对安全。But hardware is unwarrantable absolute safety.

他们侵扰我们的私生活是毫无道理的。Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.

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有了弹药,也不能保证一定取得胜利。Had an ammo, unwarrantable also gain a victory certainly.

“哦,你不回去吗?”嘉莉问,显得有些失态。"Oh, aren't you?" said Carrie, with an unwarrantable feeling.

但也不可以说网络游戏都是错的。But we can not consider that all the internet-games are unwarrantable.

当然,费尽心机的包装依旧不能保证脆弱的瓷器万无一失。Of course, of rack one's brains in scheming pack as before unwarrantable flimsy china no risk at all.

我们时常提醒他们,他们的立法机关企图把无理的管辖权横加??里定居的情形告诉他们。We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.

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我们时常提醒他们,他们的立法机关企图把无理的管辖权横加到我们的头上。We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.

他们的立法机关想把无理的管辖权扩展到我们这里来,我们时常把这个企图通知他们。We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.

网络是强大的,你也不能保证24小时不睡觉,追踪新闻至少需要有两个人。The network is powerful, you are unwarrantable also 24 hours do not sleep, track news to need to have two at least individual.

其二,在商业网站的服务条款中,都明确说明了“不能保证服务完全不出错”。Secondly, in the service clause of commercial website, explained clearly " unwarrantable service does not make mistake completely ".

我们都有巨大的能力,虽然不能保证每个企业都红火,但却有能力把企业做垮。We have tremendous capacity, although unwarrantable every business is prosperous, but capable however to do the business break down.

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而自主研发不仅投入巨大,而且还不能保证产品能否得到“玩家满意”。And own research and development is thrown not only tremendous, and unwarrantable still product whether get " the player is satisfactory ".

经营者承诺的网络速度不能保证,甚至以低配置冒充高配置欺骗消费者。The network speed of operator acceptance is unwarrantable , pretend to be tall configuration to cheat customer with low configuration even.

因为我们现在还年轻,很多责任还不能保证承担得了,性并不代表爱情的最高境界。Because we are young still now, a lot of responsibility are unwarrantable still be assumed, the gender does not represent the highest state of love.

满意度能够代表用户对以往消费的信心和认可,但是,不能保证用户不会选择其他公司的产品。Satisfaction is spent can mix to the confidence that consumes before on behalf of the user approbate, but, unwarrantable user won't select the product of other company.

通过制度安排上的创新,克服政策偏颇,纠正政府不当行为是矫正农业结构调整中政府失灵的主要内容。Overcoming the partials in policy-making and rectifying unwarrantable conducts of government through innovations of system arrangement come to be major work in this adjustment.

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虽然这些公司的政策在纸面上看起来不错,但仍不能保证公司会完全按照政策不折不扣地执行。Although the policy of these companies looks pretty good on paper face, but still unwarrantable company can be carried out according to ground of policy one hundred percent completely.

如果吃肉的结果是会危害人类社会的和平,对那些因此而受遭殃的受难者是多麽不公平与残暴啊。If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims.