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不确定的感情,让我无法工作。Incertitude love, make me incapable of work.

“流程熵”是反应流程不确定程度的量度。Process Entropy is a measurement for the incertitude degree of process.

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经济发展出现了许多新的趋势,不确实性也显著增强了。There are many new trends in economic development with the incertitude growing.

粗糙集理论是一种新兴的处理不精确、不确定与不完全数据的数学理论。Rough Set is a new mathematics theory that can deal with incertitude and incompletion data.

但由于公共利益的不确定性,又使得公共利益容易成为损害公民权利的藉口。But because of its incertitude , public interest easily become the excuse to harm the attainder.

证据理论和模糊积分融合方法可以减少决策过程中的不确定性,大大的提高了决策的精度。The evidence theory and fuzzy integral can abate the incertitude and improve the accuracy of decision.

无论对于自身还是其所处世界,人类的认识及认识结果的知识都具有不确定性。No matter which is concerned, the self or the world where one lives, human cognition and his knowledge feature incertitude.

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由于岩质边坡是一个非线性的、不确定的动态系统,边坡稳定性分析与评价较为复杂,需要对其不断地进行深入研究。It's a non-linear and incertitude dynamic system, so the slope stability analysis and evaluation are complex, further study is needed.

声场环境复杂,易引起单个声传感器所获得数据的不确定性,利用数据融合方法可以解决目标分析中信息的不确定性问题。The complicacy of acoustic environment is prone to bring incertitude to the data from single sensor. The method of data fusion can solve this problem.

风险投资行业的高风险性和投资结果的不确定性,使风险投资项目选择方法的研究越来越受到专家学者的青睐。As the characteristic hazardous and incertitude in result of venture capital, scholars are getting more and more interested in the study of choice of items.

针对液压伺服系统中的非线性和不确定特性,研究了一种基于神经网络的直接自适应控制方法。A hydraulic servo system often has nonlinearity and incertitude. Based on neural network, we developed a directly self-adaptive control method in this paper.

引入战略管理对于发电企业的稳定健康发展将起到至关重要的作用。The goal of strategy management is to control the development and incertitude of an organization and direct the organization to develop in the right direction.

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MS运行过程中,队列或持久化主题中存在的死信成为系统性能的瓶颈和系统运行的不安全因素。In the running process of a JMS server, a dead message in the queue or durable topic is the bottleneck of system performance and one of the incertitude factors.

高层建筑结构选型是一个非常复杂的决策问题,包含大量不确定性及不确知信息。The structural form selection in highrise buildings is a very complex decision-making question, which contains a great deal of incertitude and uncertainty informations.

而从传感器得到的原始信息均具有不确定性并带有噪声,因此,必须对所得到的多传感器信息进行融合以提高信息的精度和可信度。Because original sensor information is incertitude and has noise, we must fuse multi-sensor information for enhancing the precision and reliability of sensor information.

但由于编钟的发音特点及其埋藏历史久远等原因,迄今对其测音数据的不确定性难以作出令人信服的律制判断。For reasons such as the sounding features of bell chimes and the long time burial, however, no convincing judgment of pitch can be drawn from the incertitude of the testing data.

我们计划一年转回成本。但是市场上有许多不确定的因素。我们不知道我们是否能够抓住机遇并且获利。Time and opportunity. we plan to take back the cost in one year . but there are many incertitude factor in the market . we can't know if we can hold the opportunity and make profits.

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专家控制是智能控制领域的一个重要分支,其高度的仿人智能特性为按照人类思维方法解决工业过程中的复杂问题提供了一条新思路。It is designed to deal with the difficulties of nonlinear, multivariable, wide lag and incertitude problems in the industry control process according to the intelligent characteristic of humankind.

信用风险作为商业银行主要的业务风险,其不确定性往往会造成市场分析不充分而导致信贷质量下降,业务缩减。As the primary operation venture of the commercial bank, the incertitude of the credit venture usually cause the insufficiency of the market analysis, and result in the deduce of the credit quality.