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爱情是一副神造的。Love is a potion of philter God-made.

补充湿润剂,或检查药水。Added wetting agents, or check the potion.

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我帮你找到了这瓶治疗药水哦。Elan, I found this healing potion for you.

看来克伦南的药剂终于起效了。It looks likeKrennan's potion finally worked.

9号爱的小屋还没有给你留言!Love Potion No. 9 has nothing on your smartphone!

她拿起瓶子服下了这帖神奇药水。She lifted the bottle and drank the magic potion.

我想知道如果我喝掉这药水会发生什么。I wonder what would happen if I drank this potion.

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要是你这么做了我就把这些治疗剂全都给你!I'll give you a whole healing potion if you do so!

杰里喝了一种让他变得超级强壮的药剂。Jerry drinks a potion that makes him grow super-strong.

九号爱情灵药也不会令我对她更加痴迷。No number nine love potion could make me love her more.

这么多装在不同颜色的瓶瓶罐罐里的药水等着你去喝,时间却那么少。So many coloured potion vials to drink, so little time.

海格退缩在药剂大师的语气愤怒。Hagrid flinched at the fury in the Potion Master's tone.

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她看到蓝色药水流出来之后,不禁微笑了起来。Megan smiled as she poured a blue potion onto the floor.

她供稿天琴座一个沉睡的药水使她失去了知觉。She feeds Lyra a sleeping potion to keep her unconscious.

莱姆斯,我的老朋友,你今晚没带药水吗?Remus , my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?

葛林大笑说,卖药水给马克的是他的双胞胎兄弟!Glyn laughs and says he's the potion seller's twin brother!

有一天傍晚,医生开了一剂相当贵的药。One evening,the doctor had ordered a very expensive potion.

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天空翻搅着,飘着小雨,我们像是迷失在巫婆熬的汤药中一样。The sky roiled and spit as if we were lost inside some potion.

可是,我知道你今晚没用复方汤剂!However, I'm sure that you didn't use Polyjuice Potion tonight!

他给了她一瓶毒药,那可以让所有人都误认为她已经死了。He gives her a potion that will make everyone think she is dead.