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他答应赔偿我的损失。He promised to indemnify me for my losses.

保险公司会赔偿您所受的损失。The insurance company will indemnify you for the loss incurred.

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保障自己在意外残废时不受损失要花多少钱?。How much does it cost to indemnify oneself against accidental death?

由于工作而造成的员工损失的,要给以赔偿。Indemnify employees for expenses incurred in the course of business.

我希望你们可以予以赔偿以减轻我们的负担。I hope you would indemnify us for the loss, so it wouldn't be so heavy on us.

不过,他们也没有允诺,会对这些非微软专利的实现进行保护。They do not however promise to indemnify implementers against non-Microsoft patents.

卖方应赔偿和维护所有优先权和抵押权所进行的工作买家。Seller shall indemnify and defend Buyer from all liens and encumbrances arising out of the Work.

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时间风险是指实际赔付时间快于预期时间的加速风险。Timing risk is an accelerating risk that the time of indemnify the insureds is sooner than projected.

没有过错的,根据行为人的经济状况对受害人适当补偿。If there is no wrong, the doer shall indemnify the injured party based on the doer's financial status.

前项国家补足之差额,仍应由核子设施经营者负偿还之责任。The nuclear installation operator shall indemnify the nation for the loan under the preceding paragraph.

违约方赔偿未违约方补救,但不限于经济损失。Default party will indemnify the non-breaching party for remedy of, but not limited to, the economic loss.

乙方违反劳动纪律,造成甲方经济损失的,应偿付甲方的损失。Party B shall indemnify Party A for Party A's losses resulting from Party B's violation of the discipline.

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如专利权所有人需偿付对方因法庭错误执行所造成的损失,此命令对专利权所有人同样适用。Such orders are subject to the patentee having to indemnify any party against whom an order was wrongly made.

业主常常试图让他们的建筑师因他们自己的过失而赔偿他们。Owners routinely attempt to have their Architects indemnify them from the consequences of their own negligence.

若因甲方原因造成工作的延误,将由甲方承担相应的损失赔偿。If the delay of performance is ascribed to Party A, the Party A shall undertake to indemnify the relevant losses.

第二百三十七条发生保险事故造成损失后,保险人应当及时向被保险人支付保险赔偿。Article 237 The insurer shall indemnify the insured promptly after the loss from a peril insured against has occurred.

不管怎样,美国建筑师协会没人会试图要求承包商因其自己的过失赔偿建筑师。Nevertheless, none of the AIA forms attempt to require the contractor to indemnify the Architect from his own negligence.

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客户理解,DFTT不负任何责任,而且客户有责任补偿DFTT的损失。It is understood that DFTT bears no responsibility whatsoever and it is Client's responsibility to indemnify DFTT for such.

我等同意确保世华建协及其会员在出版我等参选资料后对所有损失及补偿不需要负责。We agree to indemnify WACA and its members for any loss or damages resulted from the publication of our material submitted.

客户理解,丹迪不负任何责任,而且客户有责任补偿丹迪的损失。It is understood that Dandy bears no responsibility whatsoever and it is Client's responsibility to indemnify Dandy for such.