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您的满意是我们永恒的追求!Your satisfaction is our pursuance for ever.

我遵照您的指示给她写了信。I wrote to her in pursuance of your instruction.

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荣誉只存在于对过去的记忆里,或对未来的追求中。Honor only exists in past memory or future pursuance.

“做精品工程”是森大人不懈的追求。" Do the exquisite article "that is the consistent pursuance.

道德信仰是人们对高尚道德的虔信、敬畏与奉行。Moral belief is people's sincereness, reverence and pursuance.

论述了中国城市规划模式的追求与创造。Finally, he discusses the pursuance and creation the mode of planning.

陈老具有一种极为可贵的开拓创新精神。A noble and principal personality and spirit of Professor Chen is the pursuance of innovation.

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一流的服务是我们的目标,打造京城婚恋猎头第一品牌是我们的追求。Our goal is class service and our pursuance is to create Beijing's first brand of headhunting Marriage.

企业民主价值目标内在地统一于和谐社会的价值追求。The enterprise democracy's target of value is inherently unified with the pursuance of value of a harmonious society.

致力于将客户放在我们行动的首位,通过各种方式的沟通,真正做到客户的满意就是我们的最终追求。Be dedicated to clients, with diversified communication, the company looks client's satisfaction as the top pursuance.

电影的命名与电影创作一样,也是一种艺术创作活动,有其独特的修辞艺术追求和技巧。Entitling movie is a kind of art activity just like movie composition, which has special rhetoric pursuance and technique.

生产出“高质量,高效益”的锯片是现代企业界共同追求的目标。International market competition becomes so heat nowadays, and produces high quality and benefit sawblade is our eternal pursuance.

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避税产生的原因,主要是纳税人追求利益的强烈愿望和有关法律方面的不完善、不健全。The existence of tax avoidance is mainly caused by taxpayers' strong desire of pursuance of interest and imperfection of relevant laws.

凡取得建筑业企业资质的,可依法在全国范围内参加工程投标。If it has acquired the qualifications of a construction enterprise, it may participate in the nationwide project tenders in pursuance of law.

题材选取、叙事策略、影像风格这三方面紧密联系在一起,共同体现了第六代导演的追求。In a word, the theme selection, the narrative strategy and the image style integrates as a whole, show the pursuance of the sixth generation.

它在满足人类基本需求和对美的追求后,已升华为对艺术的诠释和展现。After they satisfy human beings' basic needs and pursuance for beauty, costumes have already been enhanced to an explanation and display of art.

相关自律性构造依法对介绍营业勾当履行自律管理。The pertinent self-disciplinary organizations shall conduct self-disciplinary administration on the introduction business in pursuance of the law.

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毫无顾忌地灭绝反对派,以执行公务的名义进行谋杀。The frank espousal of a policy of annihilating opponents and the murders committed in the pursuance of it have given rise to an opposition movement.

企业员工的“全面发展”、企业的先进生产力、企业先进制度、企业先进文化是企业和企业员工共同的追求。The employee's" integrated development", the advanced productive forces, system and civilization are of a business and it's employee collective pursuance.

至于「诗学晚唐」的脉络观察,主要是落在台湾文人的苦吟姿态与对华美诗风的追寻。And observation of "the imitation of late Tang dynasty style" is related to Taiwanese intellectuals' attitude of ku-yin and pursuance on magnificence poetry.