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苍鹭也栖息在这一带。The place is also inhabited by herons.

这个地区太荒凉了,不宜居住。The region is too wild to be inhabited.

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所有的座位都被学生们占去了。All seats have been inhabited by students.

澳大利亚是世界上最干燥的人类栖息地。It is the world’s driest inhabited continent.

这个区域大多数的居民是原住民。This area is mostly inhabited by aboriginals.

这个家庭住在一个人口居住稠密的地区。The family lived a district thickly inhabited.

延吉市是中国最大的韩国居住的城市。Yanji is the biggest China Korean inhabited city.

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自然在有大量人类居住的地区挨饿。Nature starves in regions inhabited greatly by humans.

内巴顿宇宙现今拥有380万个有人居住的星球。Nebadon currently has over 3.8 million inhabited planets.

不一会儿,他来到一座小岛,岛上住着一个强大的恶女魔。Soon he came to an island inhabited by a powerful she-devil.

狭长的沙漠岛,息居着各种各样的怪兽。A bowl-shaped desert island inhabited by a variety of monsters.

埃及有丰富的土地,但大部分是地广人稀。Egypt has plenty of land, but much of it is sparsely inhabited.

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它的两个主要岛屿——大索罟和小索罟——都有人定居。The two main islands, Big Soko and Little Soko, were inhabited.

这个部分已经有了2000多年的人类史。This part of Cairo has been inhabited for more than 2000 years.

难怪这里被称为人神共居的伊甸园。No wonder it is called the "Paradise Inhabited by Men and Gods".

我住在这个星球上五十四年以来,只被打搅过三次。During the fifty-four years that I have inhabited this planet, I.

后者数量很大,主要栖息在法国梧桐上。The latter were large and mainly inhabited on Platanus hispanica.

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在马达加斯加成为它今天的样子之前,就已经有这种蠕虫似的生物驻扎了。Wormlike creatures inhabited Madagascar before it was Madagascar.

吉林省是汉族,满族,回族,蒙古族和鲜卑族的聚集地。Jilin is inhabited by Han Chinese, Manchus , Hui, Mongols and Xibe.

我保留了那些肯定是住在幽暗森林中的超自然人物。I kept the supernatural cast that I’m sure inhabited those dark woods.