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Hathaway确信,2008年的宁静活动并非第二次蒙德极小期。The quiet of 2008 is not the second coming of the Maunder Minimum, believes Hathaway.

最后,我要特别感谢克里斯蒙德,一个很轻,简单和可靠的网格的作者。Finally big thanks to Chris Maunder , author of a very light, simple and reliable grid.

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他还补充说蒙德极小期并非是一连串不间断的严酷寒冬。He added that the Maunder Minimum period was not an uninterrupted series of cold, harsh winters.

他指出,那次冰冻时期后太阳活动活跃起来了冰山依然在欧洲保留。He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum.

如果太阳进入了又一个蒙德极小期式的变化,我不认为现在你会见到同样的降温效果。Idon't think you'd see the same cooling effects today if the sun went intoanother Maunder Minimum-type behavior.

1645年到1715年间,几乎没有任何太阳黑子活动被观察到,这种时期即是所谓的Between 1645 and 1715 almost no sunspots were observed, a solar period which came to be called the Maunder Minimum.

事实上,记录显示极光按一定规律持续出现,即便在蒙德极小期时也是如此,佩斯内尔说。Infact, records show that auroras continued to appear on a regular basis evenduring the Maunder Minimum, Pesnell said.

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他的观测是在蒙德极小期期间内进行,而得到的太阳直径比现代技术所测量的结果更大。His observations were carried out during the Maunder minimum, and he obtained a result larger than modern measurements.

从蒙得极小期到现在气候变化太阳和人工影响的相对重要性。The relative importance of solar and anthropogenic forcing of climate change between the maunder minimum and the present.

文中也对“蒙德极小期”问题进行了评价,这是由于资料占有不足所做的错误推论。Besides, we have commented the Maunder Minimum and concluded that it is incorrect inference for lack of sufficient sunspot records.

就像被称为“蒙德极小期”的17世纪和18世纪,导致泰晤士河长期冰冻,这些是我们现在所不曾发生的。An example is the so-called Maunder Minimum in the 1600s and 1700s when the Thames River routinely froze, something that never happens today.

洛克伍德教授说这是一个“肤浅的名称”,因为在蒙德极小期发生的事与冰河时代相比实际上大相径庭。Professor Lockwood said it was a "pejorative name" because what happened during the Maunder Minimum "was actually nothing like an ice age at all".

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专家正在研究这段非活动期会不会预示着“蒙德极小期”重新来临--从1645年至1715年的70年间,人类几乎观测不到任何太阳黑子活动。They also wondered whether this cessation of sunspot activity indicates an upcoming return of the Maunder Minimum, a 70-year sunspot drought seen from 1645-1715.

最近有关太阳活动报道的新闻叙述在“蒙德极小期”上进行发挥,暗示极小期有可能再次发生,有人甚至暗指全球变暖可能会被抵消。Press accounts of the new solar reports played up the Maunder Minimum angle, hinting that it might happen again. Some even implied that global warming might be counteracted.

倘若真是芒得极小期造就了史特拉底瓦里名琴无与伦比的音色,那麽未来的小提琴或许再也无法拉奏出如此美妙动人的乐音。If indeed the Maunder Minimum led to the superlative sounds of the Stradivarius instruments, then it might appear that future violins would never produce similarly dulcet tones.