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我们这里正缺人。We are shorthanded at the moment.

我们总是在星期天缺人手。We are always shorthanded on Sundays.

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我们此刻相当缺人手。We are rather shorthanded at the moment.

我们整个夏天一直人手不够。We have been shorthanded all summer long.

大公司为什么总是缺人?。Why Are Big Companies Always Shorthanded?

很多人这个月休假中,所以我们有一点人手短缺。They only let me out on patrol when they're shorthanded.

我们今天人手不够,你得多等一会儿。We're shorthanded today. You have to wait a little longer.

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我们建筑队整个夏天一直人手不够。Our construction crew has been shorthanded all summer long.

今年,我们小组就出现了压力大、人手又不足的状况。This year, my team has been stressed out and shorthanded a LOT!

我不知道你什么时候回来…而且,噢,我们太缺人了。I didn't know whether you were coming back-and, uh, we're so shorthanded.

我想你能不能把你的行程推迟到周末.因为这几天我们人手不够.I wonder if you could postpone your trip to the weekend because we are shorthanded right now.

农村缺劳力的困难户可以生第二胎,两胎间隔要在三年或三年以上。Shorthanded rural families with financial difficulties may have a second child after an interval of 3 or more years.

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然后我被迫忙死忙活地一个人战了六个小时,结果没赶上自己的宴会。Nearly six hours later, I am just getting home after being super busy and shorthanded at work for hours. I missed my own party.

有人突然离职的时候,会有一大堆事情需要考虑,尤其是在人手不足、压力又大的情况下,需要考虑的事情更多。A ton of things need to be thought of when one person is out of the office unexpectedly, and even more things when you’re shorthanded and stressed out.

在他的时代,美国真正意义上的汉学研究才刚刚起步,研究的条件和环境并不理想。In his times , the sinology study in American exactly shorthanded , the condition and the environment was not very good, but just against the background, H.

海源物流几年来一直为困难农户垫付包装、运输、销售费用,避免了困难农户农产品滞销。Haiyuan logistics provides extend credit about packaging, transportation and marketing for those shorthanded farmers, and we also provide them with free information on marketing.

通常,一旦你在较少人参与的底池击中了公共牌,你要么有一手想让尽可能多的钱投入底池的好牌,要么你没有足够的底池赔率去跟注一个底池大小的下注。Basically, once the flop has hit in a shorthanded pot, you either have a hand where you want to get as much money in as possible, or you are not getting good enough odds to call a pot-size bet.