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如同被雷击一样。I was thunderstruck.

他瞪着我,愣住了。He stared at me, thunderstruck.

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得知消息时她大感惊讶。She was thunderstruck to hear the news.

我跳我的脚,完全吓坏。I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck.

总统之死使我们为之惊愕。We were thunderstruck by the death of the President.

他们告诉我那个消息时,我完全吓呆了。I was absolutely thunderstruck when they told me the news.

我跳了起来,宛如雷击,死劲眨眼。I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck. I blinked my eyes hard.

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如果要说我当时的感受,说是被雷击了都不过分。Describing my feeling, upon seeing it, as thunderstruck would be an understatement.

当她出现在舞台上,身上只被羽毛覆盖着的时候,她的粉丝被雷到了。Her fans were thunderstruck when she appeared on stage dressed in nothing but feathers.

吉特回抵家,发现苏妮曾经嫁给本人的年老,惊呆的吉特一句话也说不出来。Jeter is back home, I found that SuNi once married to my old, thunderstruck jeter can't say a word.

如遭雷击的关晓霞眼看心中的偶像被无情伤害,追悔莫及。If thunderstruck closes Xiao Xia soon the God with medium heart is harmed by callosity, afterthought not is reached.

孩子的父母大吃一惊,还没来得及问他姓甚名谁,也没来得及感谢他,他已经不见了。The father and mother were thunderstruck , but before they could find words of thanks and ask the man his name, he had disappeared.

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视频拍完毕丈夫就可以出来了,一边吃菜一边欣赏混蛋脸上惊愕的表情。After the video has been taken, husband could step out and enjoy the dishes and the thunderstruck facial expression on supervisor's face.

年轻姑娘深情不渝的爱上了魅力四射的画家,但画家只想利用这种关系来接受小姑娘的姐姐。Through no fault of his own, the teens sister is a judge who "sentences" thunderstruck Richard to date the girl until her schoolgirl crush wanes.

分析了雷电的形成与危害,并提出石油储运系统的防雷措施。The formation and the harm of thunderstruck were analyzed, and its prevention measures were provided for petroleum store and transportation system.

介绍了津滨线接触网防雷系统,并对该接触网遭雷击的原因进行了分析。Introduces the lightning protection system for OCS in Tianjin-Binhai Line, and analyses the thunderstruck causation of the OCS occurred during operation.

低压侧瞬态过电压的形成有雷击和电子网暂态过程两种途径。There are two ways to emerge instantaneous over voltage in the side of low voltage which are thunderstruck and instantaneous process of electronic network.