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我的朋友玛瑞娅说,“你刚刚的表演太令人吃惊了,我简直不敢相信!I can’t believe how amazingly you just did!

取近似值,非常好。The approximation is really amazingly good.

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她穿着那件红色洋装时,美得今人惊艳。She is amazingly beautiful in that red dress.

拍案叫绝不够,你的电话铃声面积215。Amazingly enough, your phone rings in area 215.

老师破天荒布置了一篇自由作文。The teacher delivered a free writing amazingly.

新出版的书他看得多得惊人。He was amazingly well-read in the newly-published books.

这精彩的一天将在您饱饱的美餐一顿后画上句号。End this amazingly full day with a full stomach at dinner.

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他是令人惊奇地可靠,所以我总是自己去取。He’s amazingly reliable, so I generally go fetch it myself.

由于这项规定,机舱乘务员的周转速度异常之快。Therefore the turnover rate among cabin crews was amazingly high.

这一点,哥本哈根成为爵士乐之都的历史很典型,也很让人叹服。Thanks to that, Copenhagen amazingly turned to be the Capital of Jazz.

这些猎椿可以在粘毛间非常轻松且快速的爬行。These bugs can run easily and amazingly fast through the sticky hairs.

其实,在自然界中,也有一些这样具有超凡力量的生物。The natural world features a few amazingly strong creatures of its own.

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欣赏电影与一个令人惊讶的大幅图片和立体声CD品质的声音。Enjoy movies with an amazingly sharp picture and stereo CD-quality sound.

她容貌美丽,天赋惊人,而且极为抢戏。She is gorgeous, and amazingly talented and steals every scene she is in.

海星对于那些影响我们的问题也有着惊人的免疫能力。Starfish are also amazingly immune to problems that affect the rest of us.

这些过度的担忧可能是宏观的大事也可能是芝麻小事。These obsessive concerns may either be global or amazingly minor in scope.

她的书得到的反响,麦克科马克表示,是“超级积极。”The response to her book, McCormick said, has been "amazingly positive."She

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作为茶来喝,它的效果是很明显的,很多著名的歌唱家争先要买它。As a tea it is amazingly effective and many professional singers swear by it.

这种概念车看起来很震撼,不过它的实用价值更令人怀疑。Such concept car looks amazingly nice but its practical side is more doubtful.

这个东西就是那么神奇,真不知道美体小铺是怎么做到的!The product does work amazingly though! I dont know how the body shop does it!