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凯西的理论。Cayce Theory.

荣格的理论。Jung's Theory.

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阿德勒的理论。Adler's Theory.

格里芬的理论。Griffen's Theory.

哈特曼的理论。Hartmann's Theory.

“啊呀”理论。The "oops" theory.

就像博弈论一样。It is like game theory.

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什么是博弈论So what is Game Theory?

那便是机械学理论。The Theory of Mechanism.

“二加一”理论。The two-plus-one theory.

这理论不适用。The theory doesn't apply.

魏的理论能站住脚吗?Does Wei's theory hold up?

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我用自主学习的理论。I used the theory of SALL.

但是,这是一个错误的理论。But this is a false theory.

我有一套关于这个的理论。I have a theory about that.

研究了多抽样率技术。Research multi-rate theory.

他创立了一种新学说。He constructed a new theory.

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了一种新学说。He has evolved a new theory.

我决定试验一下我的理论。I decided to test my theory.

这门学说的基础很稳固。The theory is well grounded.