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里德算不上什么深刻的思想者。Mr Reid is not a deep thinker.

另外还有安迪-里德的问题。Then there is the Andy Reid question.

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里德先生在一本手册的页边空白处记笔记。Mr. Reid made notes in the margin of a manual.

这是戒毒前期,里德在疗养所试图戒毒时死去。Reid died trying to kick his habit in a sanitarium.

"我希望他们能有劲儿往一处使,有条有理地处理问题,"里德说."We want them to get their act together," Reid said.

她的父亲麦尔·勒德爵士,是个曾经享有鼎鼎大名的皇家艺术学会的会员。Her father was the once well-known R. A. , old Sir Malcolm Reid.

照片中里德正在用自己的霰弹枪射击。Reid took a few shots with his personal shotgun during the ceremonies.

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里德先生回来时,我才开始懂得了什么是给树木做“调理”。When Mr.Reid returned,I began to learn what it meant to "do"the trees.

里德在凉爽而多雨的天气中一共打出8个小鸟、2个柏忌。Reid finished with eight birdies and two bogeys on a cool and rainy day.

感谢你们午宴前对各自业务的介绍,也感谢毕马威会计事务所和瑞德主席为今天午餐会所作的周到安排。I wish to thank KPMG and Chairman Reid for their thoughtful arrangements.

这次坍毁事故为英国陆军中校威廉?里德所目击。This collapse was witnessed by Lt. Col . William Reid of the British Army.

美国司法部助理部长里德Schar蓬勃发展进入法庭那天下午晚些时候。S. assistant attorney Reid Schar boomed into the courtroom late that afternoon.

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今天,罗拉德布里斯计划与参议院领袖亨利瑞德晤面。Roland Burris is scheduled to meet with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid today.

这是为什么,一个雍容自在的少女康士丹斯·勒德使他颠倒了。Therefore the peculiar soft assurance of a girl like Constance Reid fascinated him.

里德反而呼吁众议院帮助制订一项代表两党的降低赤字协议。Instead, Reid urged the House to help forge a bipartisan deficit-reduction agreement.

哈利·里德参院的多数同事出身自金玉满堂的官宦人家,但他是个例外。MANY of his fellow senators were born rich and politically connected, but not Harry Reid.

有十位这样的参议员在2008年写信给雷德,表达了他们对于限额交易的深重疑虑。Ten such senators wrote to Mr Reid in 2008 expressing grave misgivings about cap and trade.

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一位助手表示,里德希望在本周初能将该项举措方案提交参议院讨论.An aide said Reid hopes to send the measure to the Senate floor for passage early this week.

美国作家丹·里德在大理租住的最重要的原因是大理有着古老中国的灵气。The No. 1 reason American author Dan Reid has rented a house in Dali is its aura of old China.

上周,瑞德在参议院通过口头投票迅速通过了一项置我们于那台直升电梯的议案。Last week, Reid whistled through the Senate, by voice vote, a bill to put us on that escalator.