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我们给他以热诚的欢迎。We accorded him a heartful welcome.

他受到热诚的接待。A heartful reception was accorded to him.

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它给予我忠诚的祝福,衷心的仁慈和辉煌的收获。It gives me heartful mercy, faithful bless and glorious harvest!

一个诚实的道歉,会让我对你更接近,对你感觉更温暖。A heartful apology will make you warmer to me and drive me closer to you.

我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartful gratitude to you.

有些东西放在你面前,若你心里没有,也不一定能看见。You can not see the truth without a heartful mind even if it is in front of you.

我们的团队是一支技术过硬,作风顽强,服务热情的队伍。Our team is the one that has excellent technology, firm morale and heartful service.

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我真心地感激着他们---那些帮助过我、鼓励过我的可爱的人。All of them deserve my heartful thanks, familiar or unfamiliar ones, seen or unseen faces.

向迎面而来的老师常问好,向身边的清洁工常微笑,常给父母一个衷心的拥抱。Say hello to the oncoming teachers. Smile to the cleaners. Give a heartful hug to your parents.

老师,同学给可我许多帮助,让我觉得温暖,是我明白了许多道理。The teachers and classmates gave me a lot of favour, which i feel moved and heartful. I know a lot of truth.

对于总是所有关心裴勇俊的家人们,我们由衷的感谢。We send our heartful appreciation to everyone's warm heart and always showing your concern for Bae Yong Joon.

我们的团队是一支技术过硬,作风顽强,服务热情的队伍。希望能与贵公司在青岛的项目开展合作。Our team is the one that has excellent technology, firm morale and heartful service . We hope we can cooperate with your co. in Qingdao's project.

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具有竞争力的薪酬福利制度体现了我们对每位员工的殷切关注,专业的培训计划为您的职业成长护航。Competitive salary and welfare deliver our heartful consideration to each employee. Professional training plan can fully support personal career development of each employee.

情人节,纪念日,浪漫心情日都是必不可少的,烘托主人浪漫的内心表达,传递爱人情侣之间的心动的色彩。This is very important at the Valentine's day, memorial day, romantic mood day, it can foil the romantic of the host'sbody and voice, transfer heartful tint between the lovers.

在高兹写的所有著作中,最为令人难忘的,莫过于他在生命尽头写给自己英国妻子的坦荡无拘而余韵悠长的绵绵情书。Of all the millions of words written by Gorz, none will be remembered so long as the open, extended, heartful love letter he penned to his English wife and lover, just before the end.

近日上越乡论坛,瞧见唐司令召集大家到景宁畲族县过年的帖子,勾起了无限的回忆和向往。Recently I logged onto Yue Xiang Forum, and read Commander Tang's calling post for spending the Spring Festival in Jing Ning SHE Ethnics County, this brought me back many heartful memories.