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样板文件还是内联内容?Boilerplate or in-line content?

它使用绑定极大地减少了样板文件代码。It uses binding to significantly reduce boilerplate code.

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在Zope3的任何测试模块中,这几行是通用的模板。These lines are common boilerplate for any test module in Zope 3.

所有通用的连接代码都已经转移到父类中了。All the generic, boilerplate connectivity code has moved into the parent class.

使用样板宏可以使这种模板化代码的维护更容易。Using boilerplate macros can make maintenance of such templated code much easier.

现在,如果可以,最好是能够将这些样板部分抽象成一个函数。Now, if you can, it's best to abstract out the boilerplate portions into a function.

有大量样板文件的程序,但是无法抽象成函数Programs that have a lot of boilerplate code that cannot be abstracted into functions

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为了在Equinox和Felix里面使用这一服务,我们需要放一些样板代码进去。In order to use this inside Equinox and Felix, we need to put in some boilerplate code.

它将产生比通常官样文章所表述的相互尊重具有的更大的影响。It should therefore yield more than the usual boilerplate professions of mutual esteem.

关于坚持使用更为样板,而新的外观趋势,和哥萨克来了。thei adhere about in the appearance boilerplate while newer cossack trend came by and by.

如果该公司是一家公众公司,在网页底下发布的新闻的样板会给你提供大量有用信息。You can reuse opsin a derived data type but it involves a tremendous amount of boilerplate.

这意味着样板代码是适合使用非健康宏的少数几种情况之一。This means that boilerplate code is one of the few places where non-hygienic macros are useful.

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还可以创建一些助手方法以简化服务器对象的样例初始化。You can also create some helper methods to simplify the boilerplate initialization of the server object.

不足之处在于这需要一些样板文件代码来创建一些新类并需要四处操作对象。The drawback is that it requires some boilerplate code to create new classes and manipulating objects around.

同样,您也避免了点击-拖动处理程序所需的很多烦人的细节准备。Once again, you've removed a bit more of the annoying, boilerplate plumbing that click-and-drag handlers need.

其他框架进一步提取大量步骤,并使用较少的样板文件提供一个更有逻辑的工作流。Other frameworks go further by abstracting many of the steps and providing a more logical flow with less boilerplate.

样板代码可以减少重复劳动,同时隐式功能会带来负面影响,所以应该只在好处远远大于危险时使用样板代码。Only use boilerplate macros when the savings in repetitiveness clearly outweigh the negatives of implicit functionality.

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法官问双方,为什么他要批准这样一件“严重证券欺诈案”的和解方案?Rakoff questioned why he should approve that pact, challenging the boilerplate language often used to resolve such cases.

要想保存“公式化”文本,可从“编辑”菜单中选择“自动图文集”命令,为这段文字命名,然后单击“新增”按钮。To save selected boilerplate text, click AutoText on the Edit menu, type a name for the text, and then click the Add button.

这类架构只能与强大的工具结合使用,从而使开发人员避免编写单调乏味的样板代码。This kind of architecture could only be employed with powerful tools to keep developers from writing tedious boilerplate code.