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那项建议当即遭到拒绝。The proposal was summarily dismissed.

他很快被开除出国家队。He was summarily expelled from the national team.

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逃兵和持不同意见者会被立即处死。Deserters and dissidents would be summarily executed.

随后被立即送往圣赫勒拿岛,在此地度过余生,死于1821年。He was summarily dumped on Saint Helena, where he died in 1821.

方法回顾性总结55例自身免疫性肝炎患者的临床资料。Method To review summarily the clinical symptoms from 55 patients with AIH.

桑格森和鲍威尔立即成为了史上最知名的封面艺术家。Thorgerson and Powell summarily became the best-known cover artists of all time.

在此基础上,概要地介绍了本研究的内容、思路和方法等。On the foundation, the section produced summarily content, route and method, and so on.

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在魔索布莱,任何被怀疑崇拜罗丝以外的其他神灵的人,都会立刻处死。In Menzoberranzan, anyone suspected of worshiping any god but Lloth was summarily put to death.

介绍了国内外近年来的球形铸造碳化钨生产方法。The production methods are summarily introduced for making spherical cast tungsten carbide powder.

概要介绍了中国公路水路运输的基本能力和面临的主要挑战。The basic ability that introduced Chinese highway waterage summarily and the main challenge that face.

房间没有老书,她们发现了已经死掉、秃毛断尾的老鼠,并很快做了处理。Instead of an old book, they found the now dead, balding, short-tailed rat, which they summarily removed.

房间没有老书,她们发现了已经死掉、秃毛断尾的老鼠,并很快做了处理。Instead of an old book, they found the now dead, balding , short-tailed rat, which they summarily removed.

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在最后关头,斑点带子迈着大步,疯狂的奔回家,它立刻被取消资格,只能名列第四。In the stretch, Speckled Band broke stride, galloped home madly, was summarily disqualified and placed fourth.

国家安全方面的**会频繁地找私人媒体的编辑“谈话”,或者屏蔽有些多余的电波。State-security officers frequently reprimanded editors, or summarily banned unwanted voices from the airwaves.

事实上,对于处理那些战争中被俘34000波兰囚犯,贝利亚的“方案”执行起来非常方便。In effect, Beria’s “question” was for approval to summarily execute as many as 34, 000 Polish prisoners of war.

被贩卖的人不应该被拘留、指控、起诉、或被草率地驱逐出境,她强调。People who have been trafficked should not be detained, charged, prosecuted or summarily deported, she stressed.

本文综述了钢竹模板和竹胶板模板的设计原则、模板结构、模板规格及计算方法。Disign principle, structure and size of steel mould bamboo plywood form and bamboo plywood form are presented summarily.

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本文对我校研究生教育的一些具体改革思路和做法作了概要介绍。This paper will summarily discuss some specific reformational thoughts on graduate students' education in our university.

主要介绍了纳米光电子学的基本概念、发展模式以及纳米光电子器件的最新进展和发展趋势。The basic concept, developing mode, latest progress and developing trend of nano-optoelectronic devices are introduced summarily.

九位法官可以拒绝审理一个案件,可以受理案件并进行口头辩论,还可以不经过听证粗略地对案件进行裁决。The nine justices can refuse to consider a case, accept a case for oral argument, or decide the case summarily without a hearing.