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但是即使如此,却很少被发现。And even smaller type of interplanetary debris is the meteoroid.

对流星群的研究作了简明而系统的介绍。Studies on meteoroid streams are briefly and systematically presented.

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当流星体进入大气层,它压缩的空气在前面的。When a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, it compresses the air in front of it.

彗星的喷发速度在流星群的演化过程中起着重要作用。The cometary ejection play a crucial role in formation and evolution of the meteoroid stream.

微流星和空间碎片是现在任何使命航天器的公认威胁。Hypervelocity impact of meteoroid and space debris on spacecraft can lead to significant damage and catastpphic failure.

空间碎片和流星体环境由广义加权目标函数的公式来定义。The space debris and meteoroid environment are defined followed by the formulation of the general weight objective function.

如此厚重的光环降低了流星撞击引起的暗化效应,因此也可以用来解释目前光环亮度的问题。Such massive rings would be less sensitive to the darkening effect of meteoroid bombardment, thus explaining their brightness today.

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其中对航天器威胁最大的就是空间碎片,包括微流星体和轨道碎片。Most of the spacecrafts are suffering from the bad space environment, and the space debris, included meteoroid and orbital debris, imperiled the spacecrafts most.

微流量及空间碎片的高速撞击威胁着航天器的安全运行,导致其严重的损伤和灾难性的失效。High velocity impact on spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation, that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.

这种在空中的爆炸导致陨石墬落在一个巨大的椭圆型区域内,而这个椭圆的方向就取决与该陨石体非行的方向。This mid-air explosion causes the dispersion of the material over a large oval-shaped area. The orientation of this oval is determined by the flight path of the meteoroid.

如果六月的这天,地球转动退回到几小时前,流星降落的地方就正好是巴基斯坦和印度的交界处,世人唯恐发生核战的交界地。Turn the globe by just a few hours earlier on that day in June and the meteoroid would have been over the border of Pakistan and India–exactly where everyone was fearing a nuclear attack.

还有可能风云卫星是在中国基地发射导弹的同时被小行星或太空垃圾击中,但这种概率更小。Fengyun's loss also could be due to a massive meteoroid or orbital debris hit, occurring coincidentally within range of China's main space launch base. But the odds of that are even smaller.

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美国预警卫星在监测高空爆炸物和来袭导弹时发现一颗流星穿破地球大气层,降落在地中海地区。That’s when a meteoroid entered the earth’s atmosphere over the Mediterranean and was picked up by U.S. early-warning satellites on the lookout for high-altitude explosions and incoming missiles.

微流星体及空间碎片的超高速撞击威胁着长寿命、大尺寸航天器的安全运行,导致其严重的损伤和灾难性的失效。Hypervelocity impact on long duration and large size spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.

微流星体及空间碎片的高速撞击威胁着长寿命、大尺寸航天器的安全运行,导致其严重的损伤和灾难性的失效。High velocity impact on long duration and large size spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation, that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.