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会有一场暴风雨袭卷这里么?Is a hurricane a_blowing?

西莉亚飓风公开报道.Hurricane Celia Public Advisory.

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艾克飓风直扑德州!The IKE hurricane attacks Texas.

飓风造成了许多船难。The hurricane caused many wrecks.

他曾经在飓风来临的时候还呼呼大睡呢。He slept through a hurricane once!

飓风夷平了森林。The hurricane flattened the forest.

龙卷风正向我们旋转而来。The hurricane is eddying toward us.

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阿莱克斯飓风公开报道第21号.Hurricane Alex Public Advisory No. 21.

美国常受飓风侵袭。Hurricane strike frequently in the US.

西莉亚成为本年度第一个飓风.Celia becomes season’s first hurricane.

1957年,德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州奥德丽飓风Hurricane Audrey, Texas and Louisiana, 1957

强烈的飓风吹打着海岸。Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline.

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这场飓风中有许多人伤亡。Many casualties occured during the hurricane.

麦道夫的垮台像飓风一样袭击了棕榈滩。Madoff’s fall hit Palm Beach like a hurricane.

许多房屋被飓风摧毁。Many buildings were demolished by a hurricane.

飓风所经之处一切都被摧毁。The hurricane cut everything down in its path.

愤怒是拥有摧毁一切力量的飓风。Anger is a hurricane with the power to destroy.

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它们决得就像枯叶随着疯狂的飓风As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly

用飓风击沉了波斯人的船只。And batters the Persian ships with hurricane wind.

飓风季节里,机组成员常常要倒班连续工作。Hurricane season puts the crew on multiple shifts.