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我是地球仙境。I am the Earth Faerie.

仙龙现为穿刺伤害了。Faerie Dragons now do piercing damage.

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精灵之火的魔法消耗从75降低到35。Faerie Fire cost reduced to 35 from 75.

这样看来,这孩子早已懂得召唤妖火。So, the child could already conjure faerie fire.

燃烧着的山楂用作净化,使你的眼睛靠近仙境。Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

精灵之火现在可以与另外一种减低防御的效果叠加。Faerie Fire will now stack with other armor reducing debuffs.

妖火勾勒出这九尺高生物的外形,仿佛是一对活生生的塑像。Faerie fire limned the nine-foot creatures as if they were living sculpture.

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当飞钥仙灵进场时,若曾支付其伺机费用,则抓一张牌。When Latchkey Faerie comes into play, if its prowl cost was paid, draw a card.

他伸出手,召唤出一个闪耀着蓝色妖火的小球。He held out his palm and conjured a small ball that glowed with blue faerie fire.

那里散发着柔和的光芒,这种光多半来自于多彩无热的幻火。Faint light suffused the scene, most of it from the multicolored glow of faerie fire.

仙境是危险的,陷阱处处,地牢遍布,粗心大意行事鲁莽的人们常会深陷其中。Faerie is a perilous land , and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold.

最后才是城市中真正的照明,妖火照耀在庄园中特别打光的雕像上。Finally there were the actual lights of the city, faerie fire and highlighted sculptures on the houses.

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地球仙子住在森林,在最高的树的树枝中制造他们的家高度。Earth Faeries live in a forest, making their homes high in the branches of the tallest tree. What Faerie are you?

‘吸血鬼猎人,鬼魂终结者,妖精斗士,狼人杀手,警方的顾问,地狱军团的死敌。’‘Vampire slayer, ghost remover, faerie fighter, werewolf exterminator, police consultant, foe of the footsoldiers of Hell.’

对它使用杜松子之后他会引领你去找暮光煽动者,暮光煽动者会攻击你。Use one of the Juniper Berries you collected on the Faerie Dragon and it will lead you to a Twilight Inciter, who will attack you.

'照明'能力增加相邻区域的亮度。本单位的秘法攻撃对不死族造成巨大的伤害,对活着的生物也能造成伤害。A faerie who exercises her output of arcane energy may master using it as a weapon to such a degree that they are named Masters of Light.

这一未完成的史诗是为赞美伊丽莎白女王而作,详细叙述了许多仙境故事、亚瑟王史诗和经典的幻想趣事。This unfinished epic poem was written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I and details a number of faerie tales, Arthurian epics, and classic, fantasy fun.

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精灵龙体长大约为一英尺,身体纤细苗条,很像一只缩微型的龙族,有一条适合抓握的尾巴,蝴蝶般轻薄的翅膀上有着丰富的图案。Faerie dragons are about one foot long and resemble miniature dragons with thin bodies, long, prehensile tails, gossamer butterfly wings, and huge smiles.

你看,月饼盒印着的就是传说中住着月亮上的美丽仙子嫦娥和她的宠物玉兔。Take a look at the picture on the that moon cake box, its the stunning pretty Moon Faerie Chang E living on the moon, accompanied by her adorable pet Jade Rabbit.