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对,拨奏Okay, pizzicato.

拨奏,很好Pizzicato. Good.

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请快速演奏一次拨弦行吗And then just quickly play a pizzicato for us?

八小节之后,钢琴自己加入进了拨奏。The piano itself joins in with the pizzicato after eight bars.

我们可以把它当做术语记下来,好,记下来了,拨奏We could write that--Did we write that as a term up-- Yeah. Okay. We've got it up there, pizzicato.

用琴弓的。主要用于指挥,表示拨奏曲乐章后重新用琴弓演奏。With a bow. Used chiefly as a direction to indicate the resumption of bowing after a pizzicato passage.

而在这个片断的中间,在中提琴以拨奏奏出的第二主题之后有一个赋格段。There is a fugato section in the middle of the movement, after a second subject in pizzicato on the viola.

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古筝作为我国古老的民族弹拨乐器,有着两三千年的历史。As a kind of traditional Chinese pizzicato musical instrument, Zheng has about two or three thousand years long history.

随后独奏者即刻进入第一个华彩乐段之后的拨奏,之后交响乐团释放出第二次爆破声。The soloist momentarily points to the pizzicato following the first cadenza, before the orchestra lets off a second blast.

弦乐用拨奏又意味深长地再现了几次开始主题,它的重要性如今被揭示了出来。Pizzicato strings meaningfully point several more times to the opening theme, the significance of which has now been revealed.

我们今早的内容比较多,所以请快速为我们演奏一下音阶,揉弦,拨奏和碎弓We've got lots of things going on here this morning so just play a scale quickly and then vibrato, pizzicato and tremolo for us.

我们今早的内容比较多,所以请快速为我们演奏一下音阶,揉弦,拨奏和碎弓。We've got lots of things going on here this morning so just play a scale quickly and then vibrato, pizzicato and tremolo for us.

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低音管以拨奏式八分音符匆匆忙忙地吹奏着钢琴华彩乐段主题的旋转版,一切还很安静。As the soloist waits, pizzicato quavers hurry along a twisted version of the piano's cadenza theme in the bassoons , everything still piano.

弹吉他的时候,人们将横置于腿上,左手持杆的声压,右手拇指、食指、中指和无名指拨弦演奏着。When playing the guitar people will be placed transversely on the legs left hand holding rod string sound pressure right hand thumb forefinger middle finger ring finger pizzicato playing and wearing.