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恶债不予偿还。Odious debt is not repayable.

这些金额可以分期偿还。The amounts are repayable by instalments.

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可是,如果退了学,就要立即归还现有的贷款。If he does this, however, his existing student loans will become immediately repayable.

与附属公司有关的结馀均为无抵押,免息及不需于未来十二个月内偿还。The balances with subsidiaries are unsecured, non-interest bearing and not repayable within the next twelve months.

基本医疗保险基金由于要把长期稳定的回报率当作首要目标来考虑,那么它的投资组合就应注重避规风险。It is a first objective considered to have a long and stable repayable ratio on the funds of basic medical insurance.

本文就如何加强保险偿付能力的监管问题提出自己的一些粗浅见解。The author brings forward some preliminary ideas as for how to strengthen the insurance company's repayable capability.

所有与有关连公司之间的结馀均属无抵押,免息及须于获授的信贷期内偿还。All the balances with related companies were unsecured, non-interest bearing and repayable within the granted credit terms.

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客户是可要求退回来往帐户的贷方结余及有权开出支票。The balance standing to a customer's credit on current account is repayable on demand and he has the right to draw cheques.

应收/应付附属公司款项为无抵押,免息且不必于十二个月内偿还。The outstanding Balances with subsidiaries are unsecured, non-interest bearing and not repayable within the next twelve months.

提取高于帐户余额的款项,即会出现透支的状况。透支亦指由银行提供的短期信贷便利,性质如同银行可随时要求…A short-term borrowing facility offered by banks. Overdrafts are usually repayable on demand and are more expensive than longer-term borrowing.

他们计划大量买进长期国债,即政府开出的借条,承诺所借款项将在10-30年内偿还。It's going to buy a large amount of longer term treasury bonds , the IOUs, issued by the government which are repayable in 10 to 30 years time.

上周,总理取消学生的生活津贴,把它们转化成那些来自低收入家庭学生的可偿还贷款。Last week, the chancellor scrapped maintenance grants for students, converting them into repayable loans for those from families with low incomes.

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新的“债务类型”也被添加到了新游戏和编辑器中,比如有一种债务类型被定义为一旦升入顶级联赛即可还清。There are also some new "debt types" in the game, which are also in the new data editor, such as a debt repayable on promotion to the top division.

将集体土地使用权和所有权分离,使集体建设用地使用权也能够实现有偿、有期限的流转。Separate land use right from collective land ownership right, realize repayable and terminable transferring of collective construction land use right.

流动性负债是指一个月内到期的存款、一个月内到期的向金融机构借款和其他一个月内到期的负债。The current liabilities include deposits matured in a month, loans repayable in a month to financial institutions and other liabilities due in a month.

对于自年度资产负债表日起一年内即将到期的长期负债,应当在年度资产负债表流动负债类下单列项目反映。Long term liabilities repayable within one year from the balance sheet date shall be separately disclosed under current liabilities in the balance sheet.

各贷款提款均构成借款人的合法、有效及有约束力的义务,且均必须按照本协议之条款进行偿还。Each Utilisation of the Loan shall constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Borrower, repayable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

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我们也有一个专门的财务部门谁协助各国政府和企业取得非偿还的赠款和税收刺激措施,也可向他们为我们的可再生能源解决方案。We also have a dedicated finance team who assist governments and businesses to obtain non repayable grants and tax incentives that are available to them for our renewable energy solutions.

他说,有人告诉埃亨先生,1993和1994年在爱尔兰收到的两笔付款应“坚定的理解为应付利息的贷款”,所以不够成纳税义务。He said Mr Ahern had been told the two payments received in Ireland in 1993 and 1994 did not create a tax liability "on the firm understanding that the monies were loans repayable with interest".

政府发言人说,贷款期限为30年,将用于南宽扎省5000公顷棉花园灌溉和排水系统的建设。The loan is repayable over 30 years and will be used to build an irrigation and drainage system in a 5,000 hectare cotton plantation in the province of Kwanza Sul, a government spokesperson said.