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购买所有升级介子对撞机。Purchase all upgrades for the Meson Collider.

如旧的足金介子反射能力差,K金介子效果好。As the old gold meson reflecting ability, good effect of K meson.

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我们研究了重离子碰撞中的奇异介子产生。Strange meson production in heavy ion collisions has been studied.

因此,空间的影响它能控制介子环境。So, that influence of field from space and it can control meson surroundings.

这就提出了一个问题,介子谱中的相对论效应到底有多大?This raises a question, how much meson spectrum in the relativistic effects in the end?

介子衰变的研究对标准模型精确检验,CP破坏研究以及探寻新物理提供了良好的场所。B meson decays provide a good place to test the SM , CP violation and to search for the new physics.

介子平均场直接与核子内的组分夸克相互作用,从而改变了核介质内重子的性质。The meson mean fields couple directly with the quarks and change the properties of baryons in nuclear medium.

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在QCD求和规则的框架下考虑了纯胶球和普通介子态的混合效应对二者质量的影响。We consider the mass dependence on the mixing between a pure glueball and a normal qq meson in QCD sum rules.

因而,其有效的治疗途径在于消除技术理性得以恶性膨胀的社会根源,实现技术理性与价值理性的和谐统一。Therefore, the effective method to treat mad cow disease is to eradicate the social root of wild technical meson.

卡门之家是苏州第一家展现正式西班牙菜式及传播西班牙烹饪文化特色的西餐厅。El Meson de Carmen is the first restaurant that now brings to Suzhou to show the real Spanish culture of traditional dishes.

本文尝试提出一种模型,把介子看作是各种正反夸克对组成的集体振动态。A model is proposed in which a meson considered as a collective vibrational stateconsisting of various quark-antiquark pairs.

采用介子云口袋模型,在相对论性多体理论的框架中计算了短程核力。By using meson cloud bag model we calculate the short range nuclear force in the formulation of the relativistic many body theory.

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B介子衰变作为检验标准模型,探索新物理的重要场所,近年来越来越引起物理学家的兴趣。B meson decays are important places to test the standard model and search for possible new physics beyond the SM for their special qualities.

所以我们把这一哈密顿量变换到瞬时形式下总角动量表象中,并仔细分析所得到的介子径向本征方程的物理内涵。So we transform it to total angular momentum representation in instant form and explore the physical contents of the meson radial eigen equations.

该哈密顿量所对应的光前形式下的介子本征方程是在螺旋度-动量表象下表述的,不便于得到介子总角动量信息。The front form meson eigen equations are formulated in momentum-helicity representation which hinders its solution in total angular momentum representation.

选择一重一轻的介子进行研究,一方面可以显示其相对论效应,另一方面将质心运动的影响降低。Choose an emphasis on a light meson a study on the one hand able to show their relativistic effects, on the other hand will reduce the impact of mass movements.

这不仅可以帮助寻找B介子系统的CP破坏机制,而且能够研究包括B介子衰变的QCD动力学规律。Based on so large amount of data we are not only able to probe the origin of CP violation, but to explore rich QCD dynamics involved in exclusive B meson decays.

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我们的结论指出介子的中心处的横向电荷密度分布与介子大动量转移处的形状因子有关,我们给出了一个一般性的结论。We conclude that the horizontal center of meson charge density distribution is related to the form factor at large momentum transfer. We give a general conclusion.

本文应用背景场方法计算了与介子分布振幅矩相关的两点关联函数的算符乘积展开。We apply the background field method to calculate the operator expansion of the two-piont correlation function related to the moments of meson distribution amplitude.

摘要在介子-介子混合的框架下,考虑到夸克偶素间的湮灭跟味道有关这种效应,给出了一种新的介子九重态成员间的质量关系。In the framework of quarkonia-quarkonia mixing, considering the effect of the flavor-dependent transitions between quarkonia, the new mass relation of a meson nonet is presented.